Monday, December 20, 2010

New Edinburg Column for Christmas Week

Romans 5:1-5 "1Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God 
through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2By whom also we have access by faith into this 
grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3And not only 
so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh 
patience; 4And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5And hope maketh not 
ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost 
which is given unto us. " 
Prayer list for this week includes: Jim Hopson and Travis Posey. 
Birthdays this week include: Betty Green (Dec. 20), Steven Rawls (Dec. 21), Roy 
Chambers (Dec. 22), Kaillyn Green (Dec. 25).  A belated happy birthday to Bobby 
Chambers (Dec. 16). 
Anniversaries this week: Cecil and Geraldine Sanders (Dec. 20; 58 years). 
Here comes Christmas... no snow, but we love it all the same.  I hope all the 
Herald readers have a safe and Merry Christmas. 
I only visited the Stewart-Clement Hotel for last week's Open House tour.  The 
number of people who dropped by was considerable and enjoyable.  Other points on 
the tour were: the home of Allen Searcy, the home of Blake Spears and the home 
of Marty Reynolds. 
Last Saturday, a friend of mine by name of Joe Dempsey from Pine Bluff came down 
to take exterior pictures of the Hotel.  Joe has an excellent internet site 
titled Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind; his main purpose in life these days 
is to travel the state and photograph old buildings and other points of 
interest.  As we were hanging around outside, we were approached by Chris 
Wilson, of near Pansy, who was busy cleaning out Leslie Stewart's store 
building. Joe and I made out way over there to check out the building and its 
contents, and he wound up taking several excellent pictures there as well in 
addition to a few snaps of the Finch McCullough building.  All of these pictures 
can be found on the internet at  Check out Joe's site and 
enjoy not only pics from our fair town but sights from around Arkansas. 
While we were there, Chris' wife Jeanette (the grand-daughter of Leslie Stewart) 
gave me several volumes of Leslie's court dockets.  I have five volumes in all 
ranging from the early 1950s to the early 1970s.  All make for interesting 
reading, and will be on display in the New Edinburg Museum the next time I open 
it up. Thanks goes to Jeanette Wilson for this excellent donation. 
Betty Green was honored with a surprise birthday party last Saturday at the home 
of Tommy and Tammy Green with a great number of family and friends in 
Macedonia Baptist Church's youth group put on a Christmas play last Sunday night 
entitled "Cookin' Up Christmas" which was a big hit. 
If you have stuff you'd like to see in this column, feel free to share it with 
me by phone, email, Facebook, or in person.  This column also appears Monday 
night on the internet at  Go Eagles. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

New Edinburg Column For This Week

Romans 1: 21-25 " 21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as 
God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their 
foolish heart was darkened.  22Professing themselves to be wise, they became 
fools, 23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like 
to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.  
24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own 
hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:  25Who changed the 
truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the 
Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. " 
Prayer list for this week includes: the mother of Karen Wiscaver. Also remember 
J. D. Studdard (brother of Mrs. Jean Parrott) who is currently Baptist Hospital. 
Birthdays this week include: Jamie Thompson (Dec. 16). 
This will be a short column this week since there's not much to report this time 
around.  We got a light dusting of snow one morning last week, but it didn't 
amount to anything at all. 
Remember the open house tour is on this Thursday evening.  I'm sure details are 
elsewhere in this paper.  I'm starting with the Clement Hotel and working my way 
Area resident Derrick Sims is in California raising funds to make his upcoming 
movie "Come Morning" in the New Edinburg/Kingsland area.  If you would like to 
donate to help make this movie, and every little bit helps, one method is to 
visit this webpage: 
Membership dues for the New Edinburg Fire Department will remain at $25 for the 
year 2011.  Why should you pay fire dues?  There are many reasons, but the best 
one is that if you carry home owner's insurance, your rates will go way down due 
to having fire coverage.  If you're interested in becoming a paying member, 
contact Jean Parrott or Roy Chambers. 
If you have items of interest for this column, please send them to me before 
Monday night in order to get them in that week's paper and on the internet at  Go Eagles. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

New Edinburg Column For This Week

Colossians 3: 18-21 "18Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is 
fit in the Lord.  19Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.  
20Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the 
Lord.  21Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. 
Prayer list for this week includes: Tim Shaw and Theresa Thompson-Brown. 
Birthdays this week include: Joy Pilkington (Nov. 29), Adam Weaver (Dec. 6), Theresa Huddleston-Veorster 
(Dec. 6), Donnie Knight (Dec. 9), Nicki Walker (Dec. 10).  A belated Happy 
Birthday to Henry Jones (Dec. 2). 
Anniversaries this week include: Phyllis and Wayne Stedman (Dec. 5) 
The New Edinburg Fire Department will hold its quarterly meeting this Thursday, 
Dec. 9, at 6:30pm at the station.  All members and area residents are invited to 
The West Saline Community Center held its monthly meeting last Monday night with 
five board members present.  Topics discussed were interior renovations, roof 
repair, and upcoming use of the facilities. The board voted to switch meetings 
to a quarterly basis.  The next meeting will be in March. 
Angels for the Community Library Angel Tree are ready to be adopted. There are 
16 Angels on the tree. Those interested can pick up an Angel at McClellan's 
Country Store. Unwrapped gifts must be returned to the store before Dec 18. If 
anyone would like to help, please contact Alaina Sims at 870-313-2669 or check 
out the New Edinburg Community Library on the web at Facebook or at the library 
Area resident Derrick Sims is in California raising funds to make his upcoming 
movie "Come Morning" in the New Edinburg/Kingsland area.  If you would like to 
donate to help make this movie, and every little bit helps, one method is to 
visit this webpage: or contact 
Alaina McClellan Sims at the number listed further up this column. 
Macedonia Church youth group will be having their Christmas play Sunday, 
December 19th at 6:00 pm.  The name of it is "Cooking Up Christmas." 

Joy Claire Pilkington celebrated her second birthday party last Saturday afternoon with many family and friends.

I attended an afternoon singing at Smith Chapel Church of God.  The music was performed by musicians from Monticello and Louisiana and ranged from Gospel to Country.  Afterward we enjoyed great hamburgers and conversation.
If you would like to see an item of interests appear in this column, feel free 
to contact me by phone, internet, or in person before Monday night in order to 
see it in that week's edition.  Items of interest also get published on the 
internet at  Go Eagles.

Monday, November 29, 2010

New Edinburg Column For This Week

Leviticus 26:2-6 "2Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am 
the LORD.  3If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; 
4Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, 
and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. 5And your threshing shall 
reach unto the vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time: and ye 
shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. 6And I will 
give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: 
and I will rid evil beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go through 
your land. " 
I didn't get this in last week's paper, but remember the family of Geneva Miller 
in your prayers.  Remember also former resident Jim Hearnsberger who is having 
bad problems right now. 
Birthdays this week include: Evelyn Norris (Nov. 29), Keith Grice (Nov. 30), 
Jason McClellan (Nov. 30), Vicki T. Turley (Dec. 3).  A belated happy birthday 
to Deb Jones (Nov. 24) and Macel Loomis (Nov. 27). 
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving last week.  The town certainly was 
empty, so I'm guessing most went somewhere else. 
Rick Cole and Peg Jones Cole celebrated their 34th anniversary last Sunday. 
Emmaus Church youth group is having their Christmas program Saturday night and 
Sunday night at 6 p.m. The name of the play is "The Best Christmas Pageant 
Macedonia Church youth group will be having their Christmas play Sunday, 
December 19th at 6:00 pm.  The name of it is "Cooking Up Christmas." 
If you have news items you'd like to see in print here, feel free to share them 
with me by Monday evening in order to get them in print that week.  Go Eagles 

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Edinburg Column for This Week: Nov 22

Britt, here it is.  Attached is a pic of one of our Christmas lights here in NE, 
if you want to print it. James 
The prayer list this week includes Junior Laws. 
Birthdays this week: Jimmy Morgan (Nov. 22), Victor Hugh Thompson (Nov. 24).  A 
belated happy birthday to Jay Thompson (Nov. 17) and Tina Allen (Nov. 20). 
By the time you read this, Thanksgiving will be upon us once again and the 
temperatures will be dropping.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Turkey Day with 
their friends and family. 
The Wagnons and the Jarretts were hard at work this past weekend putting up the 
Christmas lights throughout town. 
Chris Leaks and Shonree Cannady were married last Saturday at the Ramada Plaza 
Hotel in Pine Bluff.  There were roughly 80 family and friends present.  Best 
wishes to the newlywed couple. 
The New Edinburg Fire Department successfully put out a house fire on Waldrop 
Lane Thursday.  We've been doing a lot of that lately.  As winter deepens, 
please take extra care with your fireplaces, Christmas trees and other fire 
hazards. I was informed this weekend that there are only 120 dues paying 
households in our fire department. Considering that our department is almost 
entirely funded by dues, that's not good.   Please, if you're not a member 
already, contact Mrs. Jean Parrott or Mr. Roy Chambers about the benefits of 
joining.  Go Eagles. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

New Edinburg Column For This Week: Nov. 8

Matthew 15:22-28 "22And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.  23But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.  24But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  25Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.  26But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.  27And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.  28Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. "

Prayer list for this week includes: Tim McClellan.  I didn't note last week the passing of John Charles Martin.  Carolyn Chambers lost her father late last month.  Please keep these two families in your thoughts and prayers as well.

Birthdays this week include: Peg Cole (Nov. 12) and Allan May (Nov. 13). Harvey Splawn, son of former NEHS Superintendent H. O. Splawn, celebrates his birthday on Nov. 12.

Bill and Ouita Jarrett celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary on Nov. 10.

Roger and Patricia McClellan and Matt and Wren McClellan visited with Dean and Vicki Bowen weekend before last.

Tracy and Jimmy Brashears hosted a Halloween party with a weiner roast and Hayride for the children of Hebron Methodist Church back during the spooky season.  I'm glad to see church parents organizing Halloween/Fall events for children.

Renee Bassetti, daughter of Gary and Wanda McClellan completed the Susan G Komen 60 mile walk in Dallas this weekend.

Macedonia FWB Church held a wedding shower for Toby and Carrie Johnson last Saturday night with many family, friends and gifts present.

As to the New Edinburg Community Library and its status: as I wrote this column last Monday night, I was informed that it was closing and that it's materials were up for sale.  In the time between Monday night and publication Wednesday, everthing changed.  I've been told it will remain open, but under new management as our wandervogel Derrick and Alaina Sims have left for California.  A lot can happen between Monday night and Wednesday morning, and that's why occasionally items in this column are not accurate.

Mrs. James Rankin graciously donated veterinary equipment used by her late husband to the New Edinburg Museum last week.  Some of you may recall, "Professor" Rankin taught Agri at NEHS for 18 years and was a lay vet in this area for many years after that.  I had the museum open last Saturday afternoon and received a surprise visit from Theresa Huddleston and her guest Angela Cox who was visiting from Mississippi.  We took a tour of the former school grounds and had an excellent time recalling better years.

I will have the museum open again this Saturday from noon until three or four in the afteroon.  Feel free to drop by and see what's on display and shoot the breeze!

If you have items of note for this column, please get them to me before Monday evening in order to get it in that week's paper.  Go Eagles.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Libary to Remain Open

I've just learned that the New Edinburg Community Library is to remain open, and it's hours will match the store hours.  Use the place.

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Edinburg Column For This Week

Revelation 5:11-13 "11And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round 
about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten 
thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;  12Saying with a loud 
voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and 
wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.  13And every creature 
which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in 
the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and 
glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb 
for ever and ever. " 
Prayer list for this week includes: Theresa Thompson-Brown, Patricia 
Birthdays this week include: Amy Pilkington (Nov. 1), Carlton Hall (Nov. 2), 
Derek Scott Thompson (Nov. 2), Jack Martindale (Nov. 2), Jimmy Childress (Nov. 
3), Logan Shaw (Nov. 5), Randy Linzy (Nov. 5), Christi Stewart-Russell (Nov. 6). 
The New Edinburg Library is shutting down after one month.  Those who would like 
to purchase books and DVDs from the collection should contact Derek and Alaina 
Simms before the end of the week.  I'm sorry to see it go. 
The New Edinburg Museum (that's the old First Grade room in the West Saline 
Community Center) will be open this Saturday, Nov. 6, from noon to 4pm.  Feel 
free to drop by and have a look and chat with me. 
Intro Fire Classes at County Line Fire Department went well last week.  By the 
time this sees print, I will have completed Wildland Fire Classes at Kingsland 
Fire Department.  New Edinburg Fire Department seriously needs more members. 
Speaking of fires, I'm printing here a personal thank you from Mrs. Bobbie 
Moseley: "We would like to thank each and every one who helped in putting out 
the fire in our pasture last Saturday afternoon.  We don't know every one who 
was there, but thanks to Shane Miller for being alert when he passed by and saw 
it.  It seemed almost immediately the place was covered with people fighting the 
fire.  We certainly thank the New Edinburg Fire Department for the fast response 
and work.  It blesses our hearts to know that so many people showed their 
concern and we know God was in control of it all.  We thank God for living in a 
place where others care.  May God bless each and every one of you.  Signed, 
Clyde and Bobbie Moseley." 
Visitors to Mrs. Jean Parrot's home over the last several days included: Ila Lou 
Nicewonger of Winlock, WA; Barbara and Bill Price of Wills Point, TX;  Jessie 
Carter and daughter Carolyn of Memphis, TN; Edna Studdard and husband J.D. with 
son Ronnie and his wife Sue, grandson Matthew and his wife Kindle and their sons 
Hunter and Mason, all of Pine Bluff; Monroe Waters and Marjorie Therrell of Pine 
Bluff; Vickie and Sam Miller, Donna Martindale and husband Jack with Mrs. Jean's 
great-grand daughter Dixie. 
If you have items of interest for print here and on the internet, feel free to 
send them to me by email, mail, phone, or in person before Monday night.  I'm 
thankful for those who take time to send me news; Mrs. Ollie Moring, for 
example, sends me a letter at the beginning of each month listing birthdays and 
anniversaries of her family members.  Go Eagles. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Edinburg Column Oct. 26th

Luke 7:22 "Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what 
things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers 
are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is 
preached. " 
Prayer list for this week include: Theresa Thompson-Brown and Patricia 
Birthdays this week include: Charlotte Quimby (Oct. 25), Don Langford (Oct. 29). 
Macedonia Baptist Church's Fall Festival last Saturday was a big success with 
inflatable playhouses, bobbing for apples, hobo soup, cake walks, and a hay 
ride. Hay rides abounded elsewhere through the countryside that evening. 
West Saline Community Center's November meeting will be Nov. 1, 7pm, in the 
cafeteria.  All area residents are invited to attend. 
Sunday's storms knocked out the power until 11:30pm and brought 1.5 inches of 
much need rain prompting Judge Spears to lift the burn ban.  I stood in town for 
awhile that evening with Fire Chief Randy Linzy and Deputy McClellan and watched 
some scary clouds go over. 
County Line Fire Department is holding introductory courses this week for 
firefighter certification.  I've been attending and have certainly learned a lot 
from Training Officer Ricky Sanders. 
If you have items of interest to share with this column, please contact me in 
person, by mail, email, or telephone before Monday night in order for me to get 
it that week's paper.  Go Eagles. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Edinburg Column For This Week

John 10:14-16 "14I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of 
mine.  15As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my 
life for the sheep.  16And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them 
also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, 
and one shepherd. " 
Prayer list for this week includes: Patricia McClellan-Love, Theresa 
Thompson-Brown.  Former NEHS coach Gene Franklin has stress fractures in his hip 
making walking difficult. 
Birthdays this week include: Matt Gill (Oct. 18), Doris Thompson (Oct. 19), 
Buddy Thompson (Oct. 23), Ted Langford (Oct. 23). 
Anniversaries this week include: Herbert and Ollie Moring (Oct. 18), Adam and 
Dr. Michelle Weaver (Oct 23). 
I've been informed that the menu for McClellan's Store next Sunday: Chicken 
Fried Steak, Meatloaf, and Beef Tips w/ Rice, Mashed Potatoes, Fried Okra, Mac 
and Cheese, Whole Green Beans, and Lima Beans with Pecan Pie, Carrot Cake, and 
Lemon Meringue Pie for dessert. 
The New Edinburg Community Library is doing well, but needs more patrons!  The 
library is located in the back room of McClellan's Store and is open from 8am 
until closing time. 
Open house last Saturday for the Clements-Stewart Hotel went very well with over 
150 attending that afternoon.  The Livingstons provided a live band, cookies, 
coffee and lemonade to guests who could tour the home and visit with friends. 
Now, after three years, the project is done; a decrepit eye sore has been 
transformed into a home to be admired.  This is what we should be doing: taking 
what belonged to our forefathers and bringing it back to life. 
I talked with the widow of a former NEHS teacher last week who promised me a 
donation of interesting stuff for the New Edinburg Museum after she returned 
from a trip.  I can't wait for this. 
Macedonia Church will be holding a Fall Festival on October 23rd starting at 
2pm.  Activities will include: hay ride, games for the kids, a cake walk, and 
the experience of Tommy Green's famous Hobo Soup. 
Dry weather continues to plague the state and increase the threat of wildfires. 
Remember that Judge Spears has placed the county under a burn ban until we get 
some significant rainfall.  Latest estimates state we're over a foot under 
normal right now, whereas this time last year we were a yard over normal.  
The New Edinburg Volunteer Fire Department held a monthly drill last Saturday 
morning where we checked our turn out gear for potential problems and training 
officer Allan May laid out new rules for safety procedures while operating truck 
Please share items of interest for this column through mail, email, phone, 
Facebook, or in person before Monday night of each week in order to get it in 
that week's edition and on the internet.  Go Eagles. 
Mrs. Wanda Livingston discusses the history of the building with Mrs. Ollie 
Moring and others during the open house of the Clements-Stewart Hotel.

Monday, October 11, 2010

New Edinburg Column For This Week

Hebrews 2:17-18 "17Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. 18For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted."

Prayer list this week includes: Tim McClellan, Theresa Thompson-Brown, Kathy Linzy Saeler, Diane Chambers, the family of Jerry Frey and the family of Terry McClellan. Former NEHS coach Gene Franklin is still having problems walking.

Birthdays this week include: Cheryl Moring (Oct. 11), Wilma Rawls (Oct. 12), Regina Huddleston (Oct. 15), Bill Perry (Oct. 15).

Anniversaries: Ethel and Erwin Dyer (Oct. 13).

The McClellan Family Reunion was last Saturday.  Those in attendance were: Greg & Allison Dallen of Broken Arrow, OK, Ricky & Peg Cole of El Dorado, Holly Hanry & son, Cole Hanry of El Dorado, Doug & son Conner McClellan of Searcy, Dr. Detri & Katie Breck of Arkadelphia. Buddy Thompson of Warren, Fran Nutt of Warren, Raymond & Peggy McClellan of Fordyce, Curtis McClellan, Patsy Childress, John & Sue McClellan, Ollie Morning, Henry & Rachel Jones, Lonnie & Betty Brown of Warren, Deborah Jones, Don & Brenda Triplett, Cecil & Geraldine Sanders, Sue McClellan, Lenard & Mary McClellan, Phyllis Steadman, Jerl Dean Sisson, Cameron Jones, Scott, Nicole, Mandy McClellan. Sam & Terri Martinez of Texarkana, Kristin & daughter, Skylar Vines of El Dorado, Mark, Sharon, & Stephen McClellan of Warren, Tracy Parker of Arkadelphia, Jason McClellan, and Dr. Michelle Weaver and children of Warren.

A baby shower was given last Saturday night at Macedonia Free Will Baptist church for Memory Sanders and Russell Sanders who are expecting their child Gauge. Macedonia Church will be holding a Fall Festival on October 23rd starting at 2pm.  Activities will include: hay ride, games for the kids, a cake walk, and the experience of Tommy Green's famous Hobo Soup.

Terry McClellan, the grandson of Henry and Delma McCollough, passed away last Friday after a brief battle with cancer.  Jerry Frey passed away late last week at his home on the Arkansas River.

Jeremy Towery, aged 13, killed a doe on the first day of bow season.  Congratulations go to him.

Billy and Helen May from Seattle WA visited with Helen's mother LouElla Thompson this week.

The NEHS Class of 1956 held a reunion at the home of classmate Leland Bryant this past weekend.

Remember: October 16th marks the open house for the Stewart-Clements hotel.  Drop by from 1pm to 5pm and prepare to be amazed at what Willie Carroll and Wanda Livingston and crew have done.

Sammy & Sandy Barrett were in town over the weekend to place a monument on the grave of Danny Joe Barrett in the New Edinburg Cemetery.

Jessie Noble, widow of Marion Noble, visited her daughter Becky and family in New York City over the weekend.  Becky works for an art gallery in Manhattan, while her husband Troy is a professional musician playing with a ragtime band which travels across the US and Canada.  They have a seven year old son named Troy Jr.

People are really great about sharing newsworthy items with me for this column... don't slack off now because a huge segment of the Herald's readership lives outside of the county, and they want to know what's happening in our fair town.  Feel free to share the news with me and I'll get it in this column and on the internet.  Go Eagles.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Anniversary For the Wagnons.

Jamie and Angela Wagnon celebrated their 18th anniversary today. Congratulations to the both of them!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Clements-Stewart Hotel Open House Set for Oct. 16

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Carroll and Wanda Livingston have set the open house for the renovated Clements-Stewart Hotel Building for October 16th from 1pm to 5pm.  Everyone is invited to come and see the restoration of this old town landmark. Refreshments will be provided.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

NEHS Class of '75 Reunion

The 35th Anniversary of the NEHS Class of 1975 was held September 18th at the home of Calton and Jamie Hall.  Fourteen of the eighteen class members were able to attend, which is good considering that all but one classmate (who is in Tennessee and couldn't make this reunion) live inside a 50 mile radius of New Edinburg.

Class members present were: Carlton Hall (with family Jamie and Rachel), Nita McManus Ivy (with husband David), Clara Dupree Morgan, Gilbert Moring (with family Cheryl, Hanna and A. J.), Harold Langford (with family Belinda, Carlea, Meleah, Jonathon and Ashley), Tommy Green of Warren, Perry Dyer (and friend Shelly Stanley) of Warren, Dennis Davis (and wife Phyllis) of Sheridan, Harvey Splawn III (and wife Marilyn) of Camden, Lynette Parker Mitchell (and husband Bruce) of Rison, Daryl Atkins of Banks, Vickie Parrott Miller (and husband Sam) of Fordyce, Glen Brown of Fordyce, and Charles Taylor of Fordyce.

Also attending were three former teachers of New Edinburg Schools: Cindy Morris (Math teacher) of Kingsland, Odell Wolfe (and wife Patti; basketball coach and History teacher) of Warren, and Joann Hall (with daughter Nita Beth; First Grade teacher) of New Edinburg.

Classmates of the NEHS '75 Reunion, from left to right: Glen Brown, Charles Taylor, Gilbert Moring, Perry Dyer, Lynette Mitchell, Calton Hall, Daryl Atkins, Harvey Splawn III, Vickie Miller, Donnie Davis, Clara Morgan, Nita Ivy, Harold Langford, Tommy Green

Friday, September 17, 2010

Shady Grove Cemetery Association Meeting

The Shady Grove Cemetery Association will hold its annual meeting at the New 
Edinburg Methodist Church on Sunday, October 3rd at 2pm.  Those with a vested 
interest in Shady Grove Cemetery are strongly urged to attend.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Blackmon 50th Anniversary

The children of Toliver and Daisy Blackmon will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their parents at Bethel Methodist Church this Saturday the 18th at 5pm.  All family and friends are invited to attend.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


People have been asking me when the commodities would be distributed this month in Rison.  The EOC office says it will be this 15th at the fair grounds from 8am to whenever.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Susie McEntire to Speak at Kingsland MBC Sept 11

Susie McEntire will be the speaker at Kingsland Missionary Baptist Church on Saturday, September 11.  Susie, the sister of Reba McEntire and star of the RFD-TV show "Cowboy Church" is the latest speaker in that church's "A Day For Just Us Girls" program that has hosted other notable ladies such as Donna Douglas.

The program is for females only.  Those interested in attending should reserve a spot by contacting Shelby Brandon at 870-814-2785 or 870-348-5416.  Lunch will be provided and door prizes will be given.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Burn Ban for Cleveland County

Like it says in the title, Cleveland County is now under a burn ban until further notice.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Special Note From Jim Granderson

Jim would like to thank the follow individuals who brought him firewood: David Ivey, Chris Hopson, Bob Chambers, Marvin King, Rick St. John, Sonny Bowen, Jimmy Childress and Ronny McManus.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beatrice C. Rhodes (January 9, 1917 - August 17, 2010)

Beatrice Cheshier Rhodes passed away Tuesday at the age of 93.  Miss Bea was a 1935 graduate of New Edinburg High School.  She was a friend and neighbor of my mother in Rison.  Funeral information may be found here:

Monday, August 2, 2010

Macedonia News

Tina Sanders is better and out of the hospital.

Macedonia FW Baptist Church had an excellent VBS with an average of 44 attending each night.  Sunday night's closing program had the kids dressed as cowboys in matching shirts, and the parents were delighted.

Birthdays: Becca Sanders Cowan (Aug 8th).

Evan Briant, grandson of  Larry and Becky Briant, had his tonsils out and is doing fine.

Mrs. Betty Green is doing better but will have surgery in the near future.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Billy Jack Marks (1939-2010)

Billy Jack Marks, 70, passed away Saturday, July 17, 2010, at his home in Hobbs, New Mexico. He was born December 23, 1939, in New Edinburg to the late Victor Richardson Marks and Mamie Elizabeth Barnett Hall Marks.
  Jack worked in oil field well servicing for more than 43 years. He enjoyed spoiling his little dog Missie, feeding hummingbirds, doves, and squirrels, and tinkering around the house. Everyday, for the past two years, a couple of doves would come within a foot of him to eat chopped pecans he had prepared for them. He lived his life with kindness, selflessness, and touched the lives of so many. Above all, he was a beloved son, brother, husband, dad, papa and friend. 
  He was preceded in death by his parents, his brothers Clyde and Edgar Lee Marks, his sisters, Hazel Vittitow and Wyona Colvin.
  Survivors include his wife, Edith Marks, of Hobbs, New Mexico;  children Vickie and Andy Gibbs of Hobbs, New Mexico, and Cindy Rains of Midland, Texas;  grandchildren Hannah and Andrew Jack Gibbs of Hobbs, New Mexico, April Rains and Jeff Benham, Evan and Cassie Rains of Odessa, Texas, and Adrienne Goad and Matt Houston of Midland, Texas; great-grandchildren Danielle, Tori and Dustin Benham and Ava Rains of Odessa, Texas, Cayden Potter and unborn Koltyn Houston of Midland, Texas and Ethan Rains of Hobbs, New Mexico; sisters Elizabeth Barner of Clinton, Arkansas, Janette Whited of Whitehouse, Texas, and Helen Alesce of Hot Springs, Arkansas.
  Memorial Services will be held in Prairie Haven Memorial Park Chapel in Hobbs, New Mexico, on Friday, July 30, 2010, at 2:30 p.m. with Pastor Brad Reimers officiating.  Burial of the urn will follow.
  Online condolences may be sent to

Monday, July 19, 2010

Car Wash At Macedonia Free Will Baptist Church

The Macedonia Free Will Baptist Youth Group will have a car wash on Saturday at the church from 10:00-2:00.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Charles Waldrop (1925-2010)

Charles William Waldrop, 85, of El Dorado, died Saturday, July 10, 2010, at the Medical Center of South Arkansas in El Dorado.
  Born July 5, 1925, at New Edinburg, he was the son of the late Floyd and Rhua Waldrop.
  In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Sybil Bullock.
  He was retired from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 436, with which he was associated as an electrician, instructor and business manager for 30 years.
  He was a deacon at West Side Baptist Church.
  Waldrop was a corporal in the U.S. Army during World War II in the European Theater, serving in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany with the 78th Lightning Division. He was wounded in action, which led to his receiving a Purple Heart. Waldrop also received a Good Conduct Medal, a Bronze Service Star, a Combat Infantry Badge and a Sharp Shooter Medal among other military awards and commendations. He remained in the Active Reserve until 1952.
  Funeral services were Tuesday, July 13, 2010, at West Side Baptist Church in El Dorado. The Rev. Gerald Perry officiated. Burial was at the McCoy Cemetery in New Edinburg.
  Survivors include his wife of 66 years, Louise Erwin Waldrop of El Dorado; his sister, Mildred Childress of New Edinburg; his daughter, Regina Waldrop of El Dorado; his son, Larry Waldrop of El Dorado; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
  In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that memorials be made to West Side Christian School, 2400 W. Hillsboro in El Dorado, AR 71730.
  An online guest book is available at

Monday, July 12, 2010

Khloe Renee Sigafus

Congratulations to Theresa Thompson Brown on the birth of her grand-daughter 
Khloe Renee Sigafus, born Monday July 12 to daughter Ashly Williams-Sigafus.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Library Project in New Edinburg

Alaina McClellan Sims and Derrick Sims will be starting a public library in the near future.  Any donations in the form of books, visual media such as DVDs, and... of course... money... are sorely needed.  If you can help, contact McClellan's Country Store at 352-5352.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mutant Potato

Robert Dale Thompson raised this potato which weighs in at 2 and one-half pounds.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Birthday Party For JoAnn Hall

Calton Hall will be hosting a birthday party for Mrs. JoAnn Hall at his house on July 3rd from 2-4pm.  It would be cool if a lot of her former students from over the decades came by to pay their respects and give her presents.  I will.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fire Department Meeting

The next meeting of the New Edinburg Volunteer Fire Department will be this Thursday, June 10th at 6:30pm.  All members are encouraged to attend.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Community Center Meeting for June

The June meeting of the West Saline Community Center board will be on June 7th at 7pm in the cafeteria area.  All area residents are invited to attend.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Annual Billy Wayne Grice Poker Run

The Poker Run will be, as always, at the Crane Lake Deer Camp on the weekend of June 19-20th. The event starts at 9am Saturday and ends 1am Sunday.

Entry fee is $10 per rider.  There will be door prizes and a cash prize for the rider with the winning hand; a live band will entertain starting a 6pm.

T-shirts are on sale for $15 each.  If you pre-order before June 1st, you can get a hot pink one; otherwise, all shirts are gray and white. To pre-order, call Melody Grice at  870-250-9425 or Heather Tillman at 870-820-3246.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Triplett Wins JP Race

Incumbent Donald Triplett defeated challenger Stephen McClellan for Redland Township Justice of the Peace 81-40.

In other races, Jason Gavin carried Redland in the District 10 State Representative race, and Bill Halter carried the township in the US Senatorial race.

Below: Candidates Triplett and McClellan check the polling station results after closing time.  Also present are Major McClellan and Brenda Triplett.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Visitation of The Sick

I visited with Allen Searcy a few days ago.  Allen is recovering from having cancerous tumors removed.  He says he's doing well and doesn't expect to have to take radiation.

I visited with Clara Parkman this morning.  Clara spent a few days earlier this week at the Heat Hospital in Little Rock after suffering severe chest pains.  She's still waiting on some test results, but is home and doing better.

Allan May had eye replacement surgery last Wednesday at the Baptist Eye Center.  He reports a success and he's doing well.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Prayer Request

From Chuck Brown for his aunt Ethel Dyer who found out she has cancer.  Please keep her in your prayers.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Janet Huddleston (1936-2010)

I only learned today that Mrs. Janet Huddleston passed away last Sunday.  Many of you knew her well, and I remember her working in the NES cafeteria for many years after Mrs. Billie Clements left.  My condolences to her family for their loss.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Reaves Turkey Kill

Tim Reaves displays the gobbler he killed this morning.  The box caller at his feet is an old caller that once belonged to my Dad.  Good job, Tim.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Elbert McClellan (1914-2010)

Rev. Elbert McClellan passed away April 6.  I'm just now learning about this. Details of the funeral can be found here:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Former Edinburger Named to NLN

Dr. Laura Evans, former resident of New Edinburg, has been appointed to serve as a National League for Nursing Ambassador by the NLN.  You can read the whole story here:

Thanks goes to her brother Andy Briant for sending this in.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fire On The Smith Chapel Road

Fire destroyed a workshop on the Smith Chapel Road this afternoon.  Fire departments responding included New Edinburg and Kingsland.  No injuries were reported, but several thousand dollars in equipment were burned.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fire On The Mt. Elba Road

The New Edinburg Fire Department responded to a house fire on the Mt. Elba Road this evening.  The current owners were burning brush outside, and embers flew under the house to set a rat's nest on fire.  Damage is light and there were no injuries.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Herald's Article On My Father

The Cleveland County Herald did an excellent article on my father's life and passing this week.  I recommend all read it.

One small mistake: the Wisconsin button in question belonged to one man whose name I can't recall at the moment.  There was exactly one officer and one sergeant from Wisconsin in the state of Arkansas at the time, and the button is from the officer's frock coat.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Eugene Boney's Birthday

My uncle Eugene Boney of Huntsville Alabama celebrates his 90th birthday today.  Happy birthday to Uncle Gene!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Funeral For James Boney

Visitation will be at Benton Funeral Home Friday evening from 6-8pm.  Services will be there on Saturday at 2pm.  Burial will be at New Edinburg Cemetery.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

James L. Boney (1942-2010)

My father, James Sr., passed away this evening.  I'll post funeral arrangements here after I've made them.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spears Country Store

After nine years of serving the community, Spears Country Store will be under new management. The new owners are Major and Connie McClellan.  Good luck to the new owners.

Clements Funeral Arrangements

Funeral services for Mrs. Billie Ruth Clements will be at Frazer's Funeral Home in Warren on Tuesday at 1:30pm.  Visitation will be there at 6-8pm Monday night.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Billie Ruth Clements

Miss Billie passed away this morning after a long battle with cancer.  Our condolences to her family.

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Edinburg Cemetery Association Meeting

The New Edinburg Cemetery Association will hold its annual meeting on March 8 at 7pm at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church.  Anyone with an interest in the cemetery and its upkeep is invited to attend.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bobby Dale Chambers

Bobby Dale is home and doing okay after his gall bladder surgery.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I'm looking at about two inches that fell yesterday and last night.  Fortunately, no ice came with it.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gymnasium Clean Out

The following people helped clean the gym out today: Marriette Henderson, D. J. Leaks, Floyd Leaks, Jerry Langford, Damian Henderson, Chris Leaks, and myself.

We have a gymnasium again.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Work Party

A crew cleaning out the gymnasium at the community center will work this coming Saturday morning starting at roughly 8am.  Everyone who wants to help is welcome to come and give a hand.

Tim Shaw's Operation

Mother-in-law Laverne Thompson reports that Tim Shaw got through his kidney transplant last Monday night just fine and should be home Saturday barring any problems.  It will take up to six months to make sure the transplant will take.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Reba Morgan (1922-2010)

Reba Morgan passed away January 22nd.  Funeral arrangements are visitation at Benton Funeral Home Sunday from 4-6pm and funeral services at Smith Chapel Church Monday at 11am.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Another Reaves

Sophia Isabel Reaves was born January 14th to parents Matthew and Brandy Reaves.  She weighed 7lbs 14oz.  Sophia is the granddaughter of Tim and Barbara Reaves and the great-granddaughter of Billy and Mickey Bryant.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Two Additional Illnesses

Bobby Dale Chambers spent some time in the Bradley County Medical Center last week with a bad virus.  He's home now and much better.

Angela Childress Dickman was admitted to JRMC late last week with an infection.  She may be home by Monday if all goes well.

Update on My Father

My dad was released from Dallas County Medical Center today and returned to St. John's to finish his rehab.  He's in room 117 for any who wish to visit him.  This past week, he was hospitalized for slight pneumonia and a bladder infection, but has gotten over both.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Carolyn McKinney (1937-2010)

Carolyn McKinney passed away yesterday at home after a long illness.  Funeral information can be found here:

Wintery Weather

We seemed to have dodged the bullet with freezing rain, though the temperatures will drop nearly to zero over the next few nights.