Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Burn Ban for Cleveland County

Like it says in the title, Cleveland County is now under a burn ban until further notice.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Special Note From Jim Granderson

Jim would like to thank the follow individuals who brought him firewood: David Ivey, Chris Hopson, Bob Chambers, Marvin King, Rick St. John, Sonny Bowen, Jimmy Childress and Ronny McManus.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beatrice C. Rhodes (January 9, 1917 - August 17, 2010)

Beatrice Cheshier Rhodes passed away Tuesday at the age of 93.  Miss Bea was a 1935 graduate of New Edinburg High School.  She was a friend and neighbor of my mother in Rison.  Funeral information may be found here:

Monday, August 2, 2010

Macedonia News

Tina Sanders is better and out of the hospital.

Macedonia FW Baptist Church had an excellent VBS with an average of 44 attending each night.  Sunday night's closing program had the kids dressed as cowboys in matching shirts, and the parents were delighted.

Birthdays: Becca Sanders Cowan (Aug 8th).

Evan Briant, grandson of  Larry and Becky Briant, had his tonsils out and is doing fine.

Mrs. Betty Green is doing better but will have surgery in the near future.