Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb. 25 Edition

"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." -- 1st Peter 3:15

Prayer list this week includes: Agnes McClellan and Norma McCoy.

Happy Birthday to: Hayden Cathey - Feb. 22,  Matt Cathey and Barbara Reaves - Feb. 25

Happy anniversary to Michael and Christi Russell (March 1).

"Come Morning", a motion picture shot locally by area residents Derrick Sims and Alaina (McClellan Sims) was screened at the Oxford Film Festival and won the Jury Award for Best Cinematography in Mississippi this Monday.  Congratulations to the Sims for their success with their work.

Please feel free to share items of interest for this column: birthdays, anniversaries, events, historical items of note, pictures, or whatever you feel moved to send.   Go Eagles.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feb. 19 Edition

"Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us." --- 1 John 4:11-12

Prayer list this week includes: Leonard McClellan, Agnes McClellan, Norma McCoy.

Birthdays this week include: Allison Jones Dallen and Diane Howard Langford - Feb. 18, Kay Moseley Simmons - Feb. 20. Happy belated birthday to Retha Jackson - Feb. 12.

Leonard McClellan had open heart surgery last week and is doing well.  Norma McCoy had her other knee replaced Monday and is recovering.  Agnes McClellan is in rehab in Warren and doing fine.

Monday night's violent storm brought a little over two inches to my place.  Others report more.

Please feel free to share items of interest for this column: birthdays, anniversaries, events, historical items of note, pictures, or whatever you feel moved to send.   Go Eagles.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Feb. 11 Edition

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” --- Psalm 3:5-6

Birthdays this week include: Kim Dunn - Feb. 10, Rachel Jones and Floyd Leaks - Feb. 11, Jamie Rusell - Feb. 12.

Happy Anniversary to: Jerry and Frances Langford - Feb. 12 and Tully and Norma McCoy - Feb. 13.

Here we are in the final stretch of Winter with hopefully no bad weather to come before Spring arrives again.  Few places are as beautiful in the Spring as New Edinburg, Arkansas, but maybe I'm slightly prejudiced about that.

There's very little going on this time of the year after the holidays, and the last two historical excerpts I've published have received a lot of positive reaction, so here's another.  The older folks will remember this, and perhaps the younger folks will learn something from it.

In the early 1940s, before yearbooks were the thing, the senior high school produced a few issues of an in-house newspaper revolving around the school itself and their classmates who were at war.  I have photocopies of three issues and one original issue.  If you have any others, I'd love to have a chance to copy it for the museum archives. Here are some excerpts from the February 5, 1945 edition of The New Edinburg Eagle:

War dead: "Sgt. Burton Moseley, aged 29, of near New Edinburg, was killed in the crash of a B-24 (Liberator) bombing plane near the Muroc Army Air Base in California in January 1944. Marvin McCollough, Cleveland County's first World War II casualty, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCollough of New Edinburg. 
He was reported missing by the Navy following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Cpl. Charles Irvin Martindale, 22, son of Mrs. Nettie Martindale of New Edinburg, was reported killed in action July 26, over Geelink Bay, New Guinea."

The more fortunate: "Pvt. Loyd King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin King, has been reported wounded in action. Pfc. Charles Ballentine, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ballentine, of the Marines was wounded on Saipan. It is reported that he is improving. He is now in a hospital in California.  Pvt. J. B. Bryant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryant, is in a hospital somewhere in France with frozen feet."

Marvin McCollough's younger brother, Henry, was my neighbor for many years and made a good effort to dissuade me from joining the military when I was of age.  He repeatedly mentioned how he thought his brother's life had been thrown away and I guess he became sort of a pacifist because of that.  It was understandable.

Please feel free to share items of interest for this column: birthdays, anniversaries, events, historical items of note, pictures, or whatever you feel moved to send.  Go Eagles.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb. 4 Edition

"I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." --- Psalm 18:1-2 KJV

Birthdays this week include: Hannah Moring - Feb. 3, Paul Miller - Feb. 5, Chuck Brown - Feb. 8. Happy belated birthday to Jimmy Reaves - Jan. 20.

Happy anniversary to Keith and Becky (Morgan) Cheney - Feb. 4 and Floyd and Faye Leaks - Feb. 5.

In the 1880s and 1890s, Goodspeed Publishing Company of Chicago produced dozens of county history compilations covering many of the Southern and Midwestern states including Arkansas.  In Goodspeed's History of Arkansas, Chapter 25, we find a detailed history of Cleveland County and its many settlers. As an example: "Evan P. Marks, merchant. Considering the fact that Mr. Marks began life for himself with little or no means to start on, his career has been more than ordinarily successful, and since 1869 he has been successfully engaged in merchandising.
He was born near where he now lives on July 27, 1839, and is a son of Hastings and Sivility (Powell) Marks, who were born in Georgia in 1795 and 1805, and died in Arkansas in 186 and 1873 respectively.
They were married in Georgia, and moved from there to Montgomery County, Ala., and thence to Union County, Ark., in 1836, being among the early agriculturists of that region, and the first family to locate near where New Edinburg now is. To them a family of ten children were born, four of whom are now living: John H: (a farmer of Calhoun County, Ark.), James N. (a farmer and surveyor of Cleveland County), George DI. (a farmer of the county), and Evan P. Those deceased are: Benjamin (who died when twenty-five years of age), Hastings (who died in Louisiana, while serving in the Confederate army), Eliza and Emma (who died young), Owen K. (in infancy), and Robert (who died when seventeen years of age).
Evan P. Marks, the immediate subject of this sketch, received his early education is Arkansas, but finished his literary education in Roanoke College, Salem, Va. In May, 1861, he left home and entered the Fifth Arkansas Infantry, Confederate States Army, Company C, and was soon promoted to sergeant-major of his regiment. In the fall of 1863 he was appointed adjutant of the Second Arkansas Cavalry, Trans -Mississippi Department, and in this capacity served until the close of the war, having taken part in the engagements at Perryville, Murfreesboro, and was in the engagements of the Missouri raid. 
He was neither wounded nor captured during his entire service, and in his own words, lie was the most fortunate man in the service. For four years after the close of the war he was engaged in farming, but in 1869 engaged in merchandising at New Edinburg, and this calling has received his attention up to the present time. He is associated in business with a Mr. At wood, and they do the most extensive business of any firm in the county, and are safe, reliable men of business. They are devoted to their work, and this, together with their large and select stock of goods, which they sell at reasonable rates, has contributed largely to their success.
Mr. Marks is a Democrat, and is 1874 was elected on this ticket to the office of county clerk, the duties of which he discharged in a very efficient manner. February 23, 1865, he was married to Miss Mattie H. Thornton, a daughter of William S. Thornton, of Calhoun County. She was born in Chambers County, Ala., December 26, 1844, and has borne 'Mr. Marks the following children: Em ma (wife of William D. Atwood, the business partner of Mr. Marks). Gertrude (at home), Effie, Ions and Myrtle. Mr. Marks is not a member of any church, but it may be truly said of him that in every walk of life has been upright and honorable."
The Cleveland County Herald, 24 Feb 1898, finishes his tale with his obituary as follows: "HON. E.P. MARKS.  New Edinburgh, Ark., Feb. 15th, 1898.--Mr. Evan P. Marks died of heart disease at the Clements hotel last Saturday afternoon. His death was very sudden and was a great shock to the community.
Mr. Marks came to his store as usual Saturday morning, but complained of not feeling well.  At about 10 o'clock he was seized with severe pains and started home, but was unable to go farther than the hotel.  He was put to bed, a doctor was summoned and every available means was used to relieve the stricken man but to no effect.  At about 2 o'clock he passed quietly away.  For these many years he had lived and labored with and for his people, but God put forth his hand and the pendulum of life ceased to vibrate and E.P. Marks passed from the walks of men to that beyond the grave. 
The deceased has served his country as a soldier, as a public officer, and as a private citizen.  As a soldier, he followed the banner of the Lost Cause for four years, being at the end captain of his company; as a public officer, he served as legislator, county and circuit clerk, and lastly as a member of the Board of State Charitable Institutions.  In every capacity of life he served with distinguished ability.  He was a man whom his people delighted to honor and was often solicited to be a candidate for office, but he persistently declined and only accepted a public trust from a sense of public duty.
He leaves a wife and five daughters, three of whom are married, to mourn his loss, and his death is a sad shock to them.  But the loss is not confined to his family.  While we bow in sympathy with those who were nearest to him, the community feels a deep sense of loss.  The remains were interred at the cemetery Monday afternoon in the presence of the largest assembly of people who ever attended a funeral at this place.  All business was suspended and everybody joined in doing honor to him who had been a honor to them."
Note the spelling of New Edinburg. When I read this obituary, many years ago, I wondered what he was doing near the hotel when his home was, in fact, the opposite direction.  It was some time later I was informed that a stable and corral was once located across the street from the hotel, and guessed he probably had a horse or trap waiting there. You and I are but the latest actors in the long running soap opera known as New Edinburg.
If you have news or other items you would like to see here, please get them to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at  Go Eagles.