Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5 Edition

"6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." -- Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Prayer list this week includes: Agnes McClellan and Robert Boney.

Birthdays this week include: Angela Wagnon (March 4) Meta Wright (March 9) and Casey Cargile (March 11).

March is here, with Spring right around the corner, and it's really windy out there... as it should be.

The change to daylight savings time is this weekend, so be sure to set your clocks forward.

My uncle, Robert Boney, is having on and off complications from a stent put in last week but should be okay in time.

Mr. Tully McCoy reports Martha as still rehabilitating from a knee replacement but is doing well.

Here's a bit of local history, again from Goodspeed's History of Southern Arkansas: "Joseph J. T. Kendrick, merchant of New Edinburg, Ark. The degree of success which has been achieved by Mr. Kendrick since the establishment of his mercantile house, fully warrants the assertion that it is firmly established in public favor and has become a worthy representative of trade. He established his business in, 1872, and his trade has gradually but surely increased until it has assumed extensive proportions.
Mr. Kendrick was born in Franklin, Heard County, Ga., December 23, 1838, and is a son of Hezekiah and Nancy (Cook) Kendrick, natives respectively of Virginia and Georgia, who died in Calhoun County, Ark., the former's death occurring in 1853 at the age of sixty years, and the latter when about fifty five years of age. When a young man the father removed from the Old Dominion to Georgia, which State was his home until 1847, at which time he came to Calhoun County, Ark., and here made his permanent home. He was a successful farmer, and he and his wife were worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and in his political views he was a Democrat.
Joseph J. T. Kendrick was the fifth of their six children; five sons and one daughter and his school days were spent at Chambersville, Calhoun County, Ark.
After he had reached manhood his parents passed from life, and he then commenced the battle of life for himself as a merchant's clerk at Hopeville, but in 1861 gave up this work to join the Confederate army, enlisting in the month of June in the Third Arkansas Cavalry, with which he remained until the close of the war, participating in the battles of Corinth, the celebrated retreat through Georgia, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Knoxville. He was taken prisoner near where the battle of Franklin was fought, but he was soon released.
After the war he began working at the tanner's trade in Calhoun County, continuing until the latter part of 1866, when he came to Cleveland County and tilled the soil until 1871. The following year, as above stated, he engaged in his present business, and the property he has accumulated has all been earned since the war:
He was married in 1868 to Miss Martha Vance, a daughter of J. J. Vance, of Bradley County (now Cleveland County), and their union has resulted in the birth of a daughter named Annie. Mrs. Kendrick is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Mr. Kendrick is a Democrat in his political views, and has always supported the men and measures of that party."

Please feel free to share items of interest for this column before Monday.   Go Eagles.