Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 14 Edition

"Wherefore thou art great, O Lord God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears." --- Samuel 7:22 KJV

Prayer list this week includes Lauri Beckner, who is recovering from spinal surgery.

Birthdays this week include: Regina Huddleston & Bill Perry - Oct. 15, Sandie Lynn - Oct. 16, Marshall Parker - Oct. 17, Oct. 18, Delaina Ashcraft Splawn - Frankie Hall, Nell Reaves and Kay Langford Garlington - Oct. 20. Happy Anniversary to Ollie & Herbert Moring - Oct. 18, and Debbie & Randy Sanders - Oct. 19.

The New Edinburg Spook House will be in the old school building on Oct. 26, Saturday, from 7pm to midnight.  Admission will be $2 per head. Bring your kids... bring yourself.  It's gonna be great.

The New Edinburg Eagles was an in-school newspaper published at NEHS off and on for several years in the 1940s.  I have several examples of them on display in the New Edinburg Museum.  Here's a couple of excerpts from the first issue, dated March 5, 1943:

"Dissolution of the Hebron School District in Redland township and division of the area between Kingsland and New Edinburg school districts gave the desks and equipment to New Edinburg and provided that funds on hand be equally divided between the districts."

"Miss Anita Knowles, sponsor of the Junior class, entertained her third year English class with a Christmas part on Thursday evening, December 17. A number of games were enjoyed by the group and refreshments were served to the following: Marie Davis, Bethel Thompson, Juanita Trawick, Betty Jean Waldrop, Luneale Wheeler, Mary Evelyn Tipton, Thelma Deane Mosley, Nell Rose Attwood, Ercelle Knowles, Clyde Cooper, Hugh Cooper, J. B. Bryant, Irwin Dyer, Clifton Grice, Asa Harrelson, Wardelle Langford, Robert King, Doyle Milsap, Chas. Fred Moseley, Johnny Poteet, R. E. Roebuck, Charles Sparks, and Clyde St. John."

If you have items of interest for this column, please get them to me by Monday for inclusion in that week's column.    Go Eagles.

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7 Edition

" Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  --- James 5:16 KJV

Birthdays this week: Barbara Word Milburn - Oct. 7, Sue Gibson Oct. 9, Wilma Rawls - Oct. 12.

With geese flying overhead this morning, we're seeing much cooler temps and everyone is enjoying it.

The New Edinburg Spook House will be in the old school building on Oct. 26, Saturday, from 7pm to midnight.  Admission will be $2 per head.

Donations to the New Edinburg Museum: a 1940 NEHS scrapbook put together by Mary Sue Langford of Kingsland filled with newspaper articles about school life in that period.  I'm currently scanning the stuff from it and will share some in this paper in the near future.  This was given by Jerry Langford.  Also, Mary Jane Attwood gave a copy of Dr. Carl Moneyhon's standard work Arkansas and The New South which gives an indepth look at rural life in the latter part of the 19th Century.  Both are available to read at the New Edinburg Museum any Saturday afternoon (or whenever you can catch me) from noon to 4pm.

If you have items of interest for this column, please get them to me by Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  Go Eagles.