Saturday, February 15, 2014

Latest and Greatest...

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” --- Psalm 3:5-6

Birthdays this week include: Kim Dunn - Feb. 10, Rachel Jones and Floyd Leaks - Feb. 11, Jamie Russell - Feb. 12.

Happy Anniversary to: Jerry and Frances Langford - Feb. 12 and Tully and Norma McCoy - Feb. 13.

For you out-of-towners: we received about an inch of snow here Friday night, and more snow is predicted for this week as of this writing.

Coming soon: New Edinburg Community Center will hold an auction and BBQ on March 1st. If you have auction items to donate, please do so.  All donation proceeds go to paying off the $23,000 left on the building note. Contact Melody Spears at 870-510-6388. Also, Melody reports that bookings for the center are heavy for February and March with most weekends in June and July already taken, so if you're interested in renting the place, get with her soon.

Please feel free to share items of interest for this column: birthdays, anniversaries, events, historical items of note, pictures, or whatever you feel moved to send.  This column will appear on the internet at Go Eagles.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feb. 3 Edition

"I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." --- Psalm 18:1-2 KJV

Birthdays this week include: Hannah Moring - Feb. 3, Paul Miller - Feb. 5, Chuck Brown - Feb. 8.

Happy anniversary to Keith and Becky (Morgan) Cheney - Feb. 4 and Floyd and Faye Leaks - Feb. 5.

Typical Arkansas weather patterns have kept us guessing this last week... warm one day, cold the next. As of posting this column, we're under a burn ban despite an excellent rain Sunday.

STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH (as opposed to similar farm animals): yes, the New Edinburg Museum closed as of the end of January. Reason: assorted reasons; ask me if you're really interested, not others, because no one else ran it besides me. There is an excellent chance it will re-open elsewhere in the future.

I have been asked about any Civil War re-enactment activity this year at Marks' Mills... this being the 150th anniversary of that battle.  I've contacted two re-enactors from two separate groups, and the answer from both is: both were waiting for the other group to make the first move.  So, the answer seems to be no. That's too bad.

Go Eagles.