Monday, April 11, 2011

New Edinburg Column For This Week: April 11

Matthew 7:24-27 "24Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it."

Prayer list for this week includes: Libby Metcalf, Kaydeen Bloackmon and the family of Marjorie (Langford) Askew.

Birthdays this week include: Sheila Currier (Apr. 13) and Buddy Reaves (Apr. 16).

Monday saw another storm system roll through the area.  I read 0.6 of an inch in my gauge while others reported a little more than a quarter-inch.  Kingsland was reported to have received an inch and a half. Whatever the amount, we needed it and more.

I came across three gentlemen at Marks' Mills Park Saturday afternoon. One of them, Marvin Stukey of Panama City, FL, was visiting his two nephews Kyle Gean and Chuck Powers of Little Rock, and wanted to see the battlesite area. Mr. Stukey's ancestor, one Joseph Stukey, was enlisted in the 77th Ohio and saw action at Marks' Mills where he was captured and later treated to some Southern hospitality down in Tyler, TX. I gave them the general layout of the battlefield and then they joined me at the museum to view some of the relics from that site. Mr. Gean and Mr. Powers, we later discovered, were former students of Mr. Marvin King at Watson Chapel. It's a small world.

Saturday evening, Mrs. Mildred Childress gave me copies of two unique photographs... one was of the Waldrop family circa 1900 which showed Pat Waldrop as a child, the other being an aerial shot of the Floyd Waldrop farm roughly 1950.  Both have honored places in the museum now.

I can't say switching the museum day to Sunday afternoon was a roaring success, but we'll keep it up for awhile to see what happens.  Donations, both material and monetary, were good last week and provided for improvements. Many thanks to all who have helped along the way; you know who you are. Come by Sunday afternoon from 1pm to 5pm and take a small look at New Edinburg's past, for free, and chat with each other and me. You won't leave disappointed.

New Edinburg Volunteer Fire Department received zero call outs last week.  That's a good thing, considering the dry weather and high winds.  That suggests to me most people know not to burn outside in such conditions. I heard through the grapevine one day last week that someone refused to pay the $25 per year fire dues, despite the fact it would lower his/her house insurance dramatically, because the NEVFD takes too long to get to a fire.  Those harboring such an opinion are invited to join the fire department and show us how it's done. Please do, but I don't think there's any danger of that happening.

The dogwood are blooming, in case you haven't seen one lately.  They are brilliant in combination with the first bright green of the woods and lawns that comes this time of the year.

Don't forget the New Edinburg Library in the back room of the store.  It's open whenever the store is open and has lots of reading material and DVDs for check out.

What ever lowlife dropped off the pregnant cat at my house a couple of weeks ago: the cat and her kittens are far better off with me than with you. Anything would be better off with me than with you. Abandoning a helpless domesticated animal to its fate is not only against the state law, it's against the laws of God's creation.  What goes around, comes around, but whatever the case may be, you provided me with a little buddy who is probably a better conversationalist that you are.

If you have news items of interest for this column, please feel free to get them to me by Monday evening in order to get them in that week's column. My phone number is 308-4608 and my email address is My mailing address is: James Boney, 5580 Hwy 8, New Edinburg, AR 71660. Go Eagles

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