"3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." --- Romans 5:3-5
Birthdays this week: Linda Warner (Sept. 22), Barbara Chance (Sept. 23), Melvin Jackson and Judy Simmons (Sept. 26). Happy belated birthday to Avery Skelton (Sept. 17) and Ashlyn Skelton (Sept. 19).
Fall is here. Despite rising temperatures, we got a cool spell and 4.5 inches of hard rain last Friday.
New Edinburg's Spook House is gearing up for this October at the West Saline Community Center. More details as they arise. The attentive reader may remember from last year that it was rated higher by tourists than any others in the surrounding area, and the organizers are planning bigger and better things.
Another blast from the past courtesy of Goodspeed's History of Arkansas: "Alex L. Ross, merchant of New Edinburg, Ark., is an example of the success attending hard work and honest dealing. He was born in Henry County, Tenn., September 23, 1827, and is a son of William and Sarah (Frazier) Ross, natives of Kentucky and North Carolina, respectively, the former's birth occurring in 1801, and his death in Yell County, Ark., at the age of seventy-four years. His wife's birth occurred in 1805, and she also died in Yell County at about the same age as her husband. They were married in Henry County, Tenn., and made that State their home until about 1829 or 1830, when they moved to Gibson County, Tenn., and in 1856 settled in Yell County, Ark. They were successful farmers, and the father was an Old Line Whig in his political views. Their family consisted of thirteen children, of whom Alex L. was the third, but only five of this large family are now living. Alex L. Ross spent his early school days in Gibson County, Tenn., and at the age of twenty years began farming for himself, and on coming to Arkansas located in Red Land Township,
Cleveland County, where he was successfully engaged in tilling the soil until 1888. He then formed a partnership in the mercantile business with A. A. Ross, and this enterprise, like his farming operations, has been attended with excellent results. He has always been of an enterprising and energetic disposition, and is a very popular and highly esteemed man in the community in which he resides. He has always been a Democrat in his political views, and in 1880 was elected magistrate of Red Land Township, and at the end of two years was elected for two more years. January 18, 1818, witnessed the celebration of his nuptials with Miss Mary W. Stone, a daughter of Nicholas C. and Celia Stone. She was born in Robertson County, Tenn., October 10, 1833, and their union has resulted in the birth of the following children: Mary L. (wife of John T. Harris, a farmer residing near New Edinburg), Paralee W., Albert A. (who is associated with his father in business), William T. (who is with Lockridge & Buster, of Kingsland), Anna (wife of Llewellyn Jeffries, a farmer of Cleveland County), Louis C. and James U. Zilpha J. died when eleven months old. Mr. and Mrs. Ross are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and he is a member of the Masonic order. "
If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column. This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles. blogspot.com. Go Eagles.
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