Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4 Edition

" Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  --- James 5:16 KJV

Birthdays this week: Cheryl Parker Bynum (May 6), Tina Sanders (May 7), Yours Truly (May 7), Daniel Bryant (May 9).

There will be a love program/benefit for Sylvester and Rae Nell Wright and family this Friday at 7pm at Bethel Methodist Church.

May 15-17 will see the 151st Re-enactment of the Battle of Marks' Mills... 99% of which will be in Fordyce. There will be a small demonstration skirmish at the Mark's house place area that Friday morning. I think that's very nice of them to do that.

My error in last week's column: the next community development meeting will be May 14, 6pm at the New Edinburg Community Center, not May 7 as I said. Sorry.

So this Saturday we buried one of the finest fellows in this town; Junior Lee Hayes (NEHS '70) passed away April 27 in Warren. Greenland Baptist Church held his homegoing celebration with standing room only. 

Greenland Food Church Pantry will be open next Tuesday, May 12, at 9am for the purpose of providing food and necessities for the low-income and elderly.

Please feel free to share items of interest with this column by Monday morning for inclusion in that week's paper.  This column appears on the internet (whenever I get around to posting it) at Go Eagles.

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