Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jan. 22 Edition

“A great fear swept the crowd, and they exclaimed with praises to God, “A mighty prophet has arisen among us,” and “we have seen the hand of God at work today!” - Luke 7:16 Living Bible

Birthdays this week include: Drew Talley -  Jan. 20, Martha Cook and Angie Clements - Jan. 21, Stacy Thompson – Jan. 23, and Carol Ault – Jan. 26.

Hello again, my gentle readers, fans, critics and admirers.  I hope everyone is making it through this reasonably nice winter so far.  January is almost over, leaving us February to go before Spring arrives.

Copper thieves strike last week on the Frey Road taking almost a mile of electrical wire leading out to the Frey farm.

I reprint here a press release given to local papers by the late Mrs. Maury Watkins, beloved Home Ec teacher at New Edinburg High School in 1971: “The New Edinburg Chapter Future Home Makers of America honored their mothers with the Mother-Daughter Banquet on March 12 at 7 o'clock in the evening at the school cafetorium.

The theme of the banquet was “Salute to America.” The decorations for the lovely even focused on the backdrop of the United States Capitol, the American Eagle and columns topped with eagles.  The walls were covered with Americana scenes of eagles, the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Hall, Mt. Rushmore, space scenes, patriotic shields, and American flags.  Red, white and blue streamers pointed out the traditional mirror ball reflecting tables decorated with red, white and blue streamers along the tables along which were placed Uncle Sam hats and moon balls featuring American flags and astronaut footprints.  Flags in nut cups and an arrangement of red and white carnations completed the setting.

Phyllis Moring was the Mistress of Ceremonies and is President of the FHA chapter.  The invocation was given by Joyce McCallister. The welcome was given by Theresa Burnett followed by the response by Mrs. Herbert Moring.

Lisa Watkins, Laura Clark, and Janet Crouch of Warren sang “Which Way America,” “Dixie,” and the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” accompanied by Mr. Joe Daniel.

Becky Pennington gave Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance. David Hunt, a special guest from Conway, sang folk melodies which were a highlight of the evening. “I Am America” was read by Deborah Parker. The waitresses sang a medley of military branch songs, “You’re A Grand Old Flag,” and the flippant “Yankee Doodle.”

The guest speaker, Major Hershal Grober, U.S. Army, talked and sang some of the songs he had written about America and talked about his experiences in Vietnam.  This was a thought-provoking and moving contribution to a pleasant evening.

The Waitresses were Janis Briant, Clara Dupree, Kay Langford, Debbie Martin, Anita McManus, Lynette Parker, and Vickie Parrott.”

This is one example of the extra-curricular programs held at NEHS at its high point in the 1970s and typical of the pleasant experiences we enjoyed at students there.  This report comes from the NEHS-FHA chapter scrapbook covering the years 1962-1971 which was donated to the New Edinburg Museum by the late Mrs. Maury Watkins by way of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown.  It and many other archived items of school and town history can be found at the museum which is located in the old school building. The museum will be open this Saturday afternoon from noon until 4pm and admission is free.  Please feel free to drop by and learn something and let me learn something from you. History is forever.

If you have items of interest for this column... birthdays, anniversaries, announcements or whatnot, please get them to me before Monday in order for them to make that week's column.  God bless and Go Eagles.

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