Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16 Edition

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  Romans 6:23
Birthdays this week include: Chloe Sanders (July 14), Barry Huddleston and Cassidy Trucks (July 15), Randy Sanders (July 16), Belinda Langford (July 17), James Shepherd, Karen Thompson and Leona Thompson all July 18.
Miss Leona celebrated her 89th birthday a few days early at the nursing home in Warren last Sunday surrounded by family and friends.
I received word last week that Mr. Pascal Parham, aged 94, passed away July 7 in Oregon. Funeral plans are pending as I'm writing this.
Stand by for rocky weather this week, so the weatherman says.
Mrs. Daisy Blackmon, President of Bethel Cemetery Association, would like the express her appreciation for those who took time to put up the chain link fence in front of the cemetery.
Regarding "Pat" Parham, the last time I spoke to him was the day before he and Rita moved back to Oregon, but the last good time I had around him was when he hired me to drive him around and put up campaign signs for Tom Wynne during the contested circuit judge race. I was up front with him and said I intended to vote for Ronnie Phillips... didn't matter to Pat. So away we go, and we spent an entire afternoon driving around southern Cleveland County and up into Rison hunting places to plant signs, and as always I learned a lot about all the town's yesteryears. Since he's gone, I can tell this now, but when you got him alone, the man cussed like a sailor... and I appreciated that, since in private company I too cuss like a sailor... but then, Pat and I are both salty old sea dogs.
Go Eagles.

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