Monday, July 7, 2014

June 30 Edition

"And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one." - Zechariah 14:9

Birthdays this week include: Gauge Weaver (June 29), Betty Carol Lane (June 30), Tyler Attwood and Janice Thompson (July 3). Happy belated birthday to Madison Beverage (June 28).
Happy belated anniversary to David and Quin Pipes (June 27).

Here's wishing a safe and fun Independence Day this Friday. Fly the flag and let no one take it down.

We Eagles are saddened by the sudden passing of NEHS alumnus ('84) Janelle Briant last week after lifelong illness. Please remember her family.
It's upon us: the 2014 NEHS All-School Reunion is this Saturday at the school building from 10:30am-2:00pm. All NEHS students and family are encouraged to attend. The meal is potluck and there will be door prizes. Let's make this year's event a record in attendance.
There will also be a Hunter's Education Course given in the school building July 28-30 from 6pm-9:30pm. The instructor is James Gill and if you're interested then contact him at (870)-352-8527. Somewhere along the way, the State Legislature decided that a state full of woodland dwelling hunters needed to be told how to hunt safely, so if you were born after Jan. 1, 1969 and want to hunt (legally) then you need this course. MY hunter's ed course was my Dad shooting a watermelon with a 12-gauge in front of me and explaining the concepts of gun safety when I was about 7. It made quite and impression on me.
In remembrance of Janelle: I knew her but not well. The one thing that jumps to mind about her is that she was off-the-scope intelligent and easily graduated one year early. The only other student at NEHS I remember doing that was Nolan Brown, Jr. I was encouraged to do it too, but didn't and have since wished I did.

Feel free to share items of interest with this column.  To get it in for a particular week, I need to see it before that Monday.  This column will appear on the internet at  Go Eagles.

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