“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,
which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 KJV
Birthdays this week include: Ollie Moring - August 13, Judy Moring - August 14, Sammy Pipes - August 15,
Kimberly Brown and Judy Perry - August 16.
The annual
Thompson Family Reunion will be this Saturday August 23 at Reaves
Cemetery. The following day, Sunday, will be the Reaves Cemetery
Marty Gill resigned from the West Saline Community Center governing
board July 30 due to a board decision not to charge money for truck and
equipment parking on the premises.
Emmaus Baptist Church is in revival this week.
How about this unsettling weather? We have some hot days, but
by and large we're skating along with lots of rain and cooler temps. If
this is "global warming" then give me a double helping.
Totally out of season, but let's talk about it anyway: as we begin
the slide toward Fall, I'm personally looking forward to Halloween. I
love it. Now, a lot of people don't like Halloween because sometime back
in the 80s, a bunch of spoilsports got together and decided Halloween
was Satanic... mainly, I think because Halloween antics weren't
church-sponsored... though I could be wrong about that. Before normally
sane people lost their minds on this topic, we dug it. Kids T-n-T'ed
because we knew everyone and didn't fear candy poisoning and all that.
That stuff was a myth, by the way, and stemmed from two mainly harmless
incidents up in Yankee Land. But down here, in God's Country, you could
clean up on candy that night, and the only kids getting sick were the
ones who ate too much all at once... as I can personally attest. Another
fun aspect was the tricks that some of our now responsible citizens
used to pull. I'll withhold the names to protect the guilty. Main street
the next morning looked like a Charmin Cathedral, and the bus ride
through town was a laugh. I've been told by some of the older heads,
like my late father, that stunts were once a little more intense...
wagons disassembled and re-assembled on roof tops, wood stacks pushed
over, and a mule was once locked inside Mr. Bell's barber shop. Good
fruit and tomatoes were thrown out of the darkness at unwary drivers and
horses left unattended were sometimes painted garish colors. If you
think these things were horrible, just remember: every pressure cooker
needs a safety valve to let off a little steam.
If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me
before Monday for inclusion in that week's column. This column will
appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com. Go Eagles.
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