Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 30 Edition

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3 KJV

Birthdays this week include: Leslie Beverage - August 24, Shirlene Jackson - Agust 26, Marshall Wilson and Jackson Perry - August 29, Mark Shienle - August 30.
It's almost definitely officially August out there; need I say more?
The Thompson family reunion went well this past Saturday with over 80 attending. Those signing in are as follows: Phyllis Stedman, Patricia Huddleston, Kayla and Charles Moring, James Boney, Herbert and Ollie Moring, Joyce and Gene Briant, Marnell and Marshall Parker, Conway Thompson, Jayson Briant, Gene and Pat Thompson, Buddy and Laverne Thompson, Joy Claire Pilkington, Terry and Brittany Nolan with Drake Hardy, Mandy and Benton Cater, Tyson Thompson, Joanie Ozmont, Randy Thompson, James and Janelle Sinclair, Terry and Karen Barker, John and Glenda Appleget, Phil and Kaye Cooper, Margaret Peek, Bernice Pennington, Robert Lee and Elizabeth Barker, Nancy Richardson, Elizabeth Childers, Angie William, Cecil and Loece Thompson, Aubrey Huddleston, Vicky Irons, Paula Weast, Danielle Robertson, Ronnie Bates, Stacy Bates and Morgan Bates, Eloise Weeks, Danny Huddleston, Melinda Huddleston, Mason Huddleston, Rhonda and Laron Evans, Kristi Russell, Briane Smith, Logan Smith, Landon Smith, Isabella Smith, Cristy Cathey, Matt Cathey, Colby Cathey, Hayden Cathey, Alli Cathey, Brenda Thompson, Speedy Thompson, Calvin Earl Thompson, Mildred and Raymond Brown, Dr. Michelle and Gauge Weaver, Kaitlyn Green, Brittany Miller, and Erwin and Ethel Dyer.
If you didn't make the Thompson Reunion this year, this Saturday we voted overwhelmingly to move the event next year to the New Edinburg Community Center due to the excessive heat outside in August.
The Reaves Cemetery Homecoming followed the next day and saw about 125 in attendance, with the devotional given by Bro. Billy Wilson and the Word brought by Bro. Dwayne Ashcraft.
Hope (Veorster) Dunlap, daughter of Theresa Huddleston and daughter-in-law of Eddie Dunlap (grand-daughter-in-law of Bobbie Dunlap) is attending the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and recently received her "blue coat," which means she's taken the Oath of Professional Conduct and can be trusted with our pets. Congratulations to Hope for this great achievement.

If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at  Go Eagles.

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