Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 19 Edition

“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” --- Psalm 16:8 KJV

Happy birthday to: Carrigan Hopson - August 20, Jayson Briant - August 21, Keri Cargile - August 22, Danny Huddleston - August 23.

A Saturday night fish fry at Rick St. John's place drew a good crowd from the Banks Road residents.

Tully McCoy fell and broke his collar bone this past weekend, but is otherwise doing okay.

A brief shower raised hopes this past Saturday, but amounted to little.

ReNew Edinburg continues to roll, as you saw in last week's paper. They've now managed to get a sign marker on each end of town marking downtown as an Historic District. I'm proud to see these, and would be even more prouder had the Arkansas Highway Department managed to spell "district" correctly. Your tax dollars at work...

New Edinburg Fire Department acquired a trailer-mounted military portable generator for local emergencies.

The Thompson Reunion is this August 22 at the New Edinburg Community Center, and Reaves Cemetery Homecoming will be August 23 on site at the cemetery. Both are always excellent events.
Greenland Food Pantry on the Tolefree Road will be open next Tuesday morning at 9am. The Food Pantry serves low income and elderly local residents. Take note: starting in September, the hours will permanently shift to 11am to noon, but will still be on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.
More from Schools of Cleveland County Arkansas: "Dyer School was a one room school that existed before 1901 and was located in what is now Henry Jones’ field. It was one of the earlier schools in the area. John Pat McClellan made the school his home in 1901. McClellan said the mud fireplace was so large that wood cut to lengths of eight feet could be used in it.

Warner School was a one-room school for African-American students located about two miles east of Highway 8. In 1937 the county school census listed Warner School with 51 students. In 1939 Warner School received $20 in county school funds. It was taught by Mrs. Mabel Tidwell from 1939 to 1942. During the school year of 1938-1939 Warner had an enrollment of 32 students and in the 1940-1941 school year its enrollment was 36. In 1946-1947 Mrs. Cornice Marks Hampton taught at Warner. The school had a blackboard and the desk has lift tops to store their books. Other teachers there were Mrs. Mattie Lee Clary and Mrs. Katie Wright. In May 1947 Warner School district was merged with the New Edinburg School district."

Thanks to the Historical Society for providing this information.

If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at  Go Eagles.

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