Thursday, September 3, 2015

Agust 24 Edition

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3 KJV

Birthdays this week include: Leslie Beverage - August 24, Shirlene Jackson - August 26, Marshall Wilson and Jackson Perry - August 29, Mark Shienle - August 30.

Remember the family of Ann Gilbert, as she passed away last week after years of illness.

Torrent rains bring a lot of rain over the past 5 or 6 days with different reports of 2 to 3 inches. It's much needed and we could use some more.

New Edinburg Fire Department purchased a used military tow truck for... get this... $218. This is a vehicle that the military originally purchased for $130,000. The plan is to move the water tank off the old tanker truck onto the bed of this one.

The Thompson Reunion last Saturday drew about 70 family members despite the weather. We had a good time, ate good food, and caught up with each other. Next year's reunion will again be at the New Edinburg Community Center.

West Saline Community Center will hold a benefit for LaVetrice Gill who is battling cancer. This will be in the old school cafeteria this Saturday night from 7pm until midnight. While no food will be served, there will be a DJ and all donations for the cause will be greatly appreciated.

More school history courtesy of Schools of Cleveland County Arkansas: Boyd Special School was near Tipton, west of New Edinburg, and was also used as a church by the Methodists and Church of God. In 1928 Orie Stone was principal and Miss Mabel Stone was primary teacher. In October 1928 it had a budget of $198.24. In the Fall and Winter of 1929-1930 and 1930-1931 the teachers were Miss Ora Stone, principal, and Miss Mabel Stone, primary teacher. In 1930 it had an enrollment of 47 pupils. It later consolidated with New Edinburg School.

Vance School was begun near Tipton in the 1800s and was one of the early schools in the area. In 1899, Jewell Rice taught there. Professor T. J. Harrison was teaching at Vance School House near New Edinburg in November 1903. Later the school name was changed to Mt. Lebanon.

Thanks to the Historical Society for providing this information.
Thank you for the positive feedback about these excerpts in specific and this column in general. If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at  Go Eagles.

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