Psalm 89:1 “I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.”
Prayer list for this week includes: Ouita Trammell, William Rice, Buddy Reaves, the family of Toliver Blackmon, the family of Eloise Dupree Neal.
Birthdays this week include: John Brown Acres (Aug 31), Lynette Steadman (Aug 1).
This past week saw slightly cooler temperatures and lower humidity, which allowed for several outdoor activities. The Thompson Reunion was last Saturday at Reaves Cemetery with over 100 in attendance. The next day was Reaves Cemetery Homecoming where the message was delivered by Brother Dwayne Ashcraft and Brother Billy Wilson. In both events, we had good fellowship and fine potluck meals.
I meant to mention this last week but forgot: Judge Gary Spears convinced the Highway Department to fix the enormous potholes up town in front of the fire station and the water office. I've heard they will soon come back and build the area up a little more, but for now their work has helped keep away standing water from there, not to mention pulling out onto the highway a lot easier. The attentive reader will recall that the corner of the water office parking lot, after a large rain, was always ripe for stocking with bass and trout. Judge Spears is also in the process of paving one half of the Marks Cemetery Road starting from Hebron Church. He reports his plans to pave the other half next year as funds allow. Judge Spears has made great progress during his time in office in modernizing our local roads and he is to be congratulated for the work his road department has done.
The Queen and Blackmon families express their appreciation here to Melody Spears and Ronny McManus and the New Edinburg Civic Center for the use of the building for the funeral of Toliver Blackmon last Friday. Though I did not get to attend, I saw the parking spill over, so I'm assuming the crowd was large.
The next quarterly meeting of the West Saline Community Center will be in the cafeteria on September 5th at 7pm. The next quarterly meeting of the New Edinburg Fire Department Board will be September 8th at 6:30pm in the fire department training room.
The Last Ten Year Reunion will be on Oct. 8. from 4pm to 8:30pm in the West Saline Community Center cafeteria. It revolves around the classes of 1975 to 1985, the last ten senior classes of NEHS, but is completely open to anyone who attended NEHS at any time. Let me repeat that: anyone who attended or taught at NEHS at any time is welcome through the doors. The meal will be potluck, so if you can cook, bring something good, and if you're like me and can't cook then think about bringing paper plates, cokes, napkins, or whatever.
The latest word on the missing NEHS yearbooks for the museum's collection is that Mr. Wooten served as Superintendent from 1953-1955 and there will be no yearbooks from that period. Thus, two yearbooks are missing from the collection: 1952 and 1956. Mr. Floyd Brown donated to the museum an excellent picture of the Thompson Reunion from circa 1917. I can pick out my grandmother Cara Thompson as a 12 year old girl. I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but Mrs. Lorene (King) Braswell donated a few months ago a picture of a quilting bee at the Howard Smith residence in 1957, and it's filled with several ladies of times past and their children.
Ms. Ava Kasich will appear at the annual “Just Us Girls” program at Kingsland Missionary Baptist Church at 10am on September 10th.
If you have items of interest you'd like to see here, please get them to my by Monday night for appearance in that week's column. Go Eagles.
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