Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30 Edition

"Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness." --- Proverbs 30:20
Birthdays this week include: Debbie Sanders and Dakotah Moring (Sept. 29), Teresa Lynn (Oct. 2). Happy belated birthdays to L. T. Marks (Sept. 23) and Otis Clary (Sept. 26).

New Edinburg's Spook House is gearing up for this October at the West Saline Community Center.  More details as they arise.  The attentive reader may remember from two years ago that it was rated higher by tourists than any others in the surrounding area, and the organizers are planning bigger and better things.
West Saline Community Center's board voted to dismiss LaVetrice Gill from her board position at a special meeting Sept. 19.
Regarding my uncle Robert Boney, he is recovering from the head-on collision he suffered Sept. 22 which killed his wife of 50 years, Ruth Gray Boney, and left him hospitalized in critical condition. Reports from the family have him facing liver damage and numerous punctures, but he is out of ICU. He is thankful for your thoughts and prayers.
Funeral services for Pascal and Rita Parham will be graveside at 1pm on Oct. 11 at Freehouse Cemetery on Hwy. 8.

If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22 Edition

"3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us." --- Romans 5:3-5
Birthdays this week: Paula Splawn (Sept. 21), Linda Warner (Sept. 22), Barbara Chance (Sept. 23), Melvin Jackson and Judy Simmons (Sept. 26).
Fall is here. Enjoy it while it lasts.
The Mt. Elba Access on this side of the river is now officially the Lloyd Wilton "Buddy" Reaves Mt. Elba Access after a dedication ceremony last Friday attended by many family and friends of the late Buddy Reaves.

For those of you wondering what happened to the lights Sunday night: a Benton resident driving through town lost control and smacked one of the light poles in front of the old Ray Estes store and damaging another thus plunging the town into darkness for several hours. The driver fled on foot but was picked up by the Sheriff's department near Marks' Mills Park. I guess he was still trying to get back to Benton. I saw the car, and personally I'm amazed he was still alive let alone able to hoof it down the road.
New Edinburg's Spook House is gearing up for this October at the school building. Admission will be $2 a head. I'll publish the date as soon as I have it. I can say that it will be something else this year.

If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

September 16 Edition

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 KJV

Birthdays this week include: Linda Knight and Bro. Tony Atkins - Sept. 20.
New Edinburg buried two excellent women last Saturday: Joyce Briant and Emilie Jones. Keep both families in your prayers. Also remember Bobby Avery as he recovers from cancer surgery. Bobby's problem was found, not after waiting in a doctor's office, but through a free clinic. Take advantage of them; it could save your life.
Did you enjoy the cold snap? Every weather prediction source is calling for an early Fall and a really bad Winter.

Bow season for deer opens soon. Beware deer with bows, and please be safe in the woods.
West Saline Community Center added two new board members: Tyrone Cranford and Christi Russell. The Center is already getting ready for its 3rd annual Spook House in late October. From the plans I've received, it looks to be bigger and better than the last two years and will include children's games for the ones too little to be spooked, and a haunted trail. I'll keep you apprised as to more details as the day approaches.

A blast from the past from the Arkansas Baptist Newspaper, 17 Feb 1897, page 15, col 1 : "Dr. E.H. Moses, of New Edinburg died February 5, 1897. Dr. Moses was born in Georgia, March 10, 1827; educated in the medical school of Philadelphia; married in the spring of 1849. He was a charter member of this church, and for more than forty-six years has walked circumspectly in this community. He was baptized at the age of 20. His funeral was attended by a host of loved ones, who grieve at his departure. This dear brother has been in sympathy with all our church work. The community has lost a good citizen, the church a true light, and the wife a loving husband.
We mourn not as those who have no hope. God has taken his loyal child home. We shall meet him by and by. May God be with his dear companion, comfort and keep her until that blessed day."

If you have items you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

September 9 Edition

"4 And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you."  --- Isaiah 46:4

Birthdays this week include: Vester Thompson - Sept. 9, Charlene King - Sept. 10, Nita Beth Hall - Sept. 12, Austin Grice and Sharon Davis - Sept.13, Beth Rippy and Sierra Paul - Sept 14.

Happy anniversary to Marvin and Princess Jackson - Sept. 7.

The New Edinburg Cemetery Association asks that anyone with family or friends in the NE Cemetery please help with the cost of upkeep through donations.  Donations made be made to Rick St. John, who is the treasurer.
Plans are underway for this year's Spook House in the old school building. I'm told that this year it will be preceeded by games for the smaller children who can't handle being chased down the hall by masked maniacs. I say this tongue in cheek because last year I was one of the tour guides, and met some older people who couldn't handle it either... carried one on my back for a couple of yards, in fact.

If you read this in time, the County Commodities truck will be at the New Edinburg Community Center Thursday starting at 9am.
Enjoy the slightly cooler weather coming down the pipe. You've earned it.

If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 30 Edition

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3 KJV

Birthdays this week include: Leslie Beverage - August 24, Shirlene Jackson - Agust 26, Marshall Wilson and Jackson Perry - August 29, Mark Shienle - August 30.
It's almost definitely officially August out there; need I say more?
The Thompson family reunion went well this past Saturday with over 80 attending. Those signing in are as follows: Phyllis Stedman, Patricia Huddleston, Kayla and Charles Moring, James Boney, Herbert and Ollie Moring, Joyce and Gene Briant, Marnell and Marshall Parker, Conway Thompson, Jayson Briant, Gene and Pat Thompson, Buddy and Laverne Thompson, Joy Claire Pilkington, Terry and Brittany Nolan with Drake Hardy, Mandy and Benton Cater, Tyson Thompson, Joanie Ozmont, Randy Thompson, James and Janelle Sinclair, Terry and Karen Barker, John and Glenda Appleget, Phil and Kaye Cooper, Margaret Peek, Bernice Pennington, Robert Lee and Elizabeth Barker, Nancy Richardson, Elizabeth Childers, Angie William, Cecil and Loece Thompson, Aubrey Huddleston, Vicky Irons, Paula Weast, Danielle Robertson, Ronnie Bates, Stacy Bates and Morgan Bates, Eloise Weeks, Danny Huddleston, Melinda Huddleston, Mason Huddleston, Rhonda and Laron Evans, Kristi Russell, Briane Smith, Logan Smith, Landon Smith, Isabella Smith, Cristy Cathey, Matt Cathey, Colby Cathey, Hayden Cathey, Alli Cathey, Brenda Thompson, Speedy Thompson, Calvin Earl Thompson, Mildred and Raymond Brown, Dr. Michelle and Gauge Weaver, Kaitlyn Green, Brittany Miller, and Erwin and Ethel Dyer.
If you didn't make the Thompson Reunion this year, this Saturday we voted overwhelmingly to move the event next year to the New Edinburg Community Center due to the excessive heat outside in August.
The Reaves Cemetery Homecoming followed the next day and saw about 125 in attendance, with the devotional given by Bro. Billy Wilson and the Word brought by Bro. Dwayne Ashcraft.
Hope (Veorster) Dunlap, daughter of Theresa Huddleston and daughter-in-law of Eddie Dunlap (grand-daughter-in-law of Bobbie Dunlap) is attending the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and recently received her "blue coat," which means she's taken the Oath of Professional Conduct and can be trusted with our pets. Congratulations to Hope for this great achievement.

If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 20 Edition

“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” --- Psalm 16:8 KJV

Happy birthday to: Carrigan Hopson - August 20, Jayson Briant - August 21, Keri Cargile - August 22, Danny Huddleston - August 23.

Happy Anniversary to Laura and Chad Sanders - August 24.

New Edinburg Methodist Church long-time member Reba Nichols passed away last Friday in Little Rock. Burial was this Monday at Stoney Point Cemetery in Bucksnort. Remember her family.

The annual Thompson Family Reunion will be on Saturday August 23 at Reaves Cemetery. The following day, Sunday, will be the Reaves Cemetery Homecoming. I'll bet I confused you last week by giving the date but stating it was "this Saturday."
Last week, two readers pointed out to me that a section of this column appeared bolded and italicized; that was a production error at the Herald according to editor Britt Tallent.

West Saline Community Center held a Back-to-School Bash last Saturday evening with many children in attendance. Eight lucky children won a $20 gift card each, and one adult won a $50 gas card.

If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13 Edition

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 KJV

Birthdays this week include: Ollie Moring - August 13, Judy Moring - August 14, Sammy Pipes - August 15,  Kimberly Brown and Judy Perry - August 16.
The annual Thompson Family Reunion will be this Saturday August 23 at Reaves Cemetery. The following day, Sunday, will be the Reaves Cemetery Homecoming.
Marty Gill resigned from the West Saline Community Center governing board July 30 due to a board decision not to charge money for truck and equipment parking on the premises.
Emmaus Baptist Church is in revival this week.
How about this unsettling weather? We have some hot days, but by and large we're skating along with lots of rain and cooler temps. If this is "global warming" then give me a double helping.

Totally out of season, but let's talk about it anyway: as we begin the slide toward Fall,  I'm personally looking forward to Halloween. I love it. Now, a lot of people don't like Halloween because sometime back in the 80s, a bunch of spoilsports got together and decided Halloween was Satanic... mainly, I think because Halloween antics weren't church-sponsored... though I could be wrong about that. Before normally sane people lost their minds on this topic, we dug it. Kids T-n-T'ed because we knew everyone and didn't fear candy poisoning and all that. That stuff was a myth, by the way, and stemmed from two mainly harmless incidents up in Yankee Land.  But down here, in God's Country, you could clean up on candy that night, and the only kids getting sick were the ones who ate too much all at once... as I can personally attest. Another fun aspect was the tricks that some of our now responsible citizens used to pull. I'll withhold the names to protect the guilty. Main street the next morning looked like a Charmin Cathedral, and the bus ride through town was a laugh. I've been told by some of the older heads, like my late father, that stunts were once a little more intense... wagons disassembled and re-assembled on roof tops, wood stacks pushed over, and a mule was once locked inside Mr. Bell's barber shop. Good fruit and tomatoes were thrown out of the darkness at unwary drivers and horses left unattended were sometimes painted garish colors. If you think these things were horrible, just remember: every pressure cooker needs a safety valve to let off a little steam.

If you have stuff you want in this column, please get it to me before Monday for inclusion in that week's column.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Friday, August 8, 2014

August 8 Edition

Psalm 119:160 “Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.”

Birthdays this week include: Jacob Brown (August 6), Justin Lash (August 7), Jimmy Pennington (August 7), Termekia Smith (August 8), and Becca Cowan  (August 8).  Happy belated birthday to Reggie Wofford (July 31).

Emmaus Baptist Church Revival is August 10-13 Sunday 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Mon-Wed. 7:00 p.m. Mike Taylor will be the evangelist.
James Gill reported 19 students in the last Hunter's Education Course with an expectation of more to come as we close in on Deer Season.

An obituary from the past... Dr. E. H. Moses built the first house in the town area, which is now owned by Mrs. Patsy Childress. Courtesy of the Cleveland County Historial Society, we read: "
Dr. E.H. Moses, of New Edinburg died February 5, 1897. Dr. Moses was born in Georgia, March 10, 1827; educated in the medical school of Philadelphia; married in the spring of 1849. He was a charter member of this church, and for more than forty-six years has walked circumspectly in this community.
He was baptized at the age of 20. His funeral was attended by a host of loved ones, who grieve at his departure. This dear brother has been in sympathy with all our church work. The community has lost a good citizen, the church a true light, and the wife a loving husband.
We mourn not as those who have no hope. God has taken his loyal child home. We shall meet him by and by. May God be with his dear companion, comfort and keep her until that blessed day."
Go Eagles.

July 28 Edition

"14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."  Matthew 5:14-16

Birthdays this week include: Adam Young (July 31). Happy anniversary to Mickey and Billy Bryant (July 27).

I have lived in this state for 41 of my 46 years and I've NEVER seen a July with weather changes like this.

The Taylor and Avery families held their first family reunion this weekend at the New Edinburg Community Center. Though the numbers were low, they expect attendance will build over the next couple of years.

Brother Leroy Jones filled in for Brother Tony Atkins last Sunday at New Edinburg First Baptist Church.

Emmaus Baptist Church Revival is August 10-13 Sunday 11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Mon-Wed. 7:00 p.m. Mike Taylor will be the evangelist.

Macedonia FWB Church is having its Vacation Bible School this week.

VBS. Yeah... remember that? I attended 1st Baptist's VBS as a child (that's the early 70s if you're counting), and it was nothing but fond memories... learning about Jesus, coloring him, cutting him out and velcro-ing him to Holy Land scenes... cookies and fruit punch for a snack... learning simple Bible songs like "The B-I-B-L-E" and "Jesus Loves Me." Brother Howard's wife (and her first name escapes me at the moment) was the director, and she was aided by Elaine Hopson and others.

Thanks to all who share things of interest; this column is especially popular with Eagles who live outside the state.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles

July 21st Edition

Matthew 19:14 "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Birthdays this week include: Tully McCoy, Mary Ann Morgan and Dylan Dunlap - July 20, Maggie Sanders - July 21, Ethel Dyer and Jean Parrott - July 22, Daniel Thompson - July 23, and Aubrey Huddleston - July 25. Happy anniversary to Marshal and Marnell Parker - July 21.
As I write this, Norma McCoy, her sister Martha Cook, Norma Hensley, and Jean Huddleston are in Dallas, TX for Seniors Cheerleader Tryouts. I'll let you know next week how they did.
First Baptist Church certainly looks bare without the massive oak tree in its parking lot. I didn't count the rings, but I suspect it was way older than the building itself.
Forbes Magazine, which I'm sure everyone here reads, reports that New York state has more billionaires than any other state for a total of $158 billion, but Arkansas is a close second with three billionaires worth a total of $157 billion. That of course, would be the Waltons, but there are a whole constellation of millionaires all throughout Arkansas as well. Once upon a time, wwaaaayyyy back when I was a child, there were several here in town and everyone knew it. Mattie Sloane by herself was worth at least $6 million and that was before she inherited from Leslie Stewart. These people died, their kids "copped the lolly" as the English would say, and generations of industry and saving went somewhere else with nothing left but ugly cutovers. Of course, there are one or two still around here who I suspect qualify as a millionaire, but they won't let on. Remember, not everyone who looks poor is poor and not everyone who looks wealthy is wealthy.

If you have items of interest for this column... birthdays, anniversaries, events, or whatever... then please send them to me before Monday in order to get them in that week's column.  See this column online at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16 Edition

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  Romans 6:23
Birthdays this week include: Chloe Sanders (July 14), Barry Huddleston and Cassidy Trucks (July 15), Randy Sanders (July 16), Belinda Langford (July 17), James Shepherd, Karen Thompson and Leona Thompson all July 18.
Miss Leona celebrated her 89th birthday a few days early at the nursing home in Warren last Sunday surrounded by family and friends.
I received word last week that Mr. Pascal Parham, aged 94, passed away July 7 in Oregon. Funeral plans are pending as I'm writing this.
Stand by for rocky weather this week, so the weatherman says.
Mrs. Daisy Blackmon, President of Bethel Cemetery Association, would like the express her appreciation for those who took time to put up the chain link fence in front of the cemetery.
Regarding "Pat" Parham, the last time I spoke to him was the day before he and Rita moved back to Oregon, but the last good time I had around him was when he hired me to drive him around and put up campaign signs for Tom Wynne during the contested circuit judge race. I was up front with him and said I intended to vote for Ronnie Phillips... didn't matter to Pat. So away we go, and we spent an entire afternoon driving around southern Cleveland County and up into Rison hunting places to plant signs, and as always I learned a lot about all the town's yesteryears. Since he's gone, I can tell this now, but when you got him alone, the man cussed like a sailor... and I appreciated that, since in private company I too cuss like a sailor... but then, Pat and I are both salty old sea dogs.
Go Eagles.

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7 Edition

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

Birthdays this week include: Kenny Smith (July 6), LaDonna Cranford (July 7), Becky Briant (July 8), Lin Atkins (July 9), Cindi Langford (July 10), Russell Sanders and Wanda Sanders (July 12). A special happy birthday to Clyde Moseley, who turned 91 on July 4.

We Eagles mourn the passing of Dewey Brown at the age of 92.

With another NEHS School Reunion behind us, we saw a lower attendance combined with a bounty of food, so we all ate a lot and visited a lot. There were several I noted missing, but there were new attendees as well. A grateful "thank you" goes to the Girls of '59 who make this happen every year along with Tracy Brashears who knows how to cook pork just right. Mr. Clyde Moseley blessed the meal. The attendees were: Simone Black, Marilyn Black, Mack Black, Thomas Taylor, Shannon Deel, Ruby Deel, Frankie Hall, Sue Gibson, James Boney, Robert Arrowood, Wanda Sue Arrowood, Garrett Arrowood, Nell Rose Brown, Pattie Luther, Floyd Brown, Sue Sisson, Blanche Norris-Waterhouse, Betty Grace, Sybil Brown, Mongolia Beck, Ollie Faye Harris, Hazel Denton, Norma McCoy, Ronnie Sinclair, Cherry Sinclair, LaVerne Thompson, Buddy Thompson, Ed Chambers, Linda Chambers, Barbara Eddy, Martha Cook, Bill Watts, Diana Watts, Mary Faith Langford, James Langford, Judy Mosley, Marnell Parker, Mary Ann Barron, Carroll Barron, Donnie Wagnon, Clyde Moseley, Bobbie Moseley, Jean Dutton, James Weeks, Marion Apple, James Atkins, Jean Atkins, LaVetrice Gill, Norma Hensley, Bobbie Dunlap, Thomas Sanders, Tracy Brashears, Jessie Hogancamp, Bob Hopper, and Ann Hopper.
To those who wanted to come but couldn't, we missed you. To those who didn't want to come, we still miss you. To those who wouldn't think of coming, get a grip... we still had a good time without you.
Go Eagles.

June 30 Edition

"And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one." - Zechariah 14:9

Birthdays this week include: Gauge Weaver (June 29), Betty Carol Lane (June 30), Tyler Attwood and Janice Thompson (July 3). Happy belated birthday to Madison Beverage (June 28).
Happy belated anniversary to David and Quin Pipes (June 27).

Here's wishing a safe and fun Independence Day this Friday. Fly the flag and let no one take it down.

We Eagles are saddened by the sudden passing of NEHS alumnus ('84) Janelle Briant last week after lifelong illness. Please remember her family.
It's upon us: the 2014 NEHS All-School Reunion is this Saturday at the school building from 10:30am-2:00pm. All NEHS students and family are encouraged to attend. The meal is potluck and there will be door prizes. Let's make this year's event a record in attendance.
There will also be a Hunter's Education Course given in the school building July 28-30 from 6pm-9:30pm. The instructor is James Gill and if you're interested then contact him at (870)-352-8527. Somewhere along the way, the State Legislature decided that a state full of woodland dwelling hunters needed to be told how to hunt safely, so if you were born after Jan. 1, 1969 and want to hunt (legally) then you need this course. MY hunter's ed course was my Dad shooting a watermelon with a 12-gauge in front of me and explaining the concepts of gun safety when I was about 7. It made quite and impression on me.
In remembrance of Janelle: I knew her but not well. The one thing that jumps to mind about her is that she was off-the-scope intelligent and easily graduated one year early. The only other student at NEHS I remember doing that was Nolan Brown, Jr. I was encouraged to do it too, but didn't and have since wished I did.

Feel free to share items of interest with this column.  To get it in for a particular week, I need to see it before that Monday.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

June 23 Edition

But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 KJV
Birthdays this week include: Patricia McClellan (June 22) and Katie Briant (June 24).

Remember the family of Harold Raymer, as he passed away last Saturday at age 89.

Short but sweet this week. We've achieved Summer, and the hot weather came in right on schedule.

The NEHS All-School Reunion is July 5th from 10:30am-2pm.  Anyone who attended school at New Edinburg or worked there (along with their family) is cordially invited to attend. We've always had a great time at these, and it seems the crowd is getting thinner and thinner each year.  Remember, the last class at NEHS (1985) is 47 years or so... we ain't getting younger. It is hoped that more younger classmates will come this year.

Feel free to share items of interest with this column.  To get it in for a particular week, I need to see it before that Monday.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19 Edition

Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast."

Birthdays this week include: Donna Thompson (June 17) and Betty Brown (June 20). Happy anniversary to: Gary and Teresa Hubbard (June 18) and Brad and Rebecca Cowan (June 21).

Prayers for the family of Weldon Boyter.
Summer's here this Saturday. So far, we've enjoyed cooler weather... here's hoping we ride it out until Fall.

The NEHS All-School Reunion is July 5th from 10:30am-2pm.  Anyone who attended school at New Edinburg or worked there (along with their family) is cordially invited to attend.
Greenland Baptist Church is in revival this week. Greenland's Food Pantry for low income families will be open next Tuesday (June 24) from 9-10am.

Feel free to share items of interest with this column.  To get it in for a particular week, I need to see it before that Monday.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9 Edition

"Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness." - Exodus 23:1

Birthdays this week: Virginia (Brown) Carter - June 9th, Julie Trucks and Bobbie Bell Dunlap - June 11th.  Anniversary wishes to: Greg and Allison (Jones) Dallen - June 10th, Rachel and Henry Jones - June 11th and Regina and Barry Huddleston - June 11th. A belated happy anniversary to Billy and Glenda Wilson - June 2.

The rain continues... and continues... with occasional bouts of killer humidity.

The NEHS All-School Reunion is July 5th from 10:30am-2pm.  Anyone who attended school at New Edinburg or worked there (along with their family) is cordially invited to attend.

The Fire Department will be holding Firefighter Intro classes June 16-17 and the 19th from 6-10pm at the fire station. All firefighters are reminded the June meeting will be on the 12th at 6:30pm.
The last time I checked with the local law enforcement, there's still no suspect for the almost fatal break-in on Mt. Elba Rd. several weeks ago. The suspect was described as tall, heavily bearded, and carrying an army knapsack. Speculation from the usual busybodies tying the incident to any New Edinburg resident is without merit and should be roundfiled. See Bible verse above.
Feel free to share items of interest with this column.  To get it in for a particular week, I need to see it before that Monday.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2 Edition

Matthew 19:14 "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Happy birthday to: Dustin Gann (June 1).

Happy anniversary to Jimmy and Wanda Howard (June 2).
Summer is almost upon us. Seems like yesterday we were begging for Spring. Now we're begging for drier weather.

The Fire Department will be holding Firefighter Intro classes June 16-17 and the 19th from 6-10pm at the fire station. All firefighters are reminded the June meeting will be on the 12th at 6:30pm.
If you came by the New Edinburg Community Center last Friday to meet the commodities truck, you no doubt discovered that it failed to appear. I have no idea why.

Around 75 people attended this year's Marks family reunion. Mrs. Frankie Hall reports two Union and two Confederate re-enactors were present along with historian Rufus Buie. The meat was good and so was the fellowship.
The traditional music show the night before was provided by Brothers 189, a local band comprised of Jimmy Pennington, Don Pennington, Robert Dyer (Pennington), and Mike Brumley (Pennington) and was joined by Bubba Golden. I came by to listen to the band and thought they were excellent. If you need a country/rock band for your event, give these guys a try... you'll enjoy them.

The New Edinburg All-School Reunion is coming up soon... this year it will be July 5 from 10:30am until 2:00pm at the school building. If you attended NES or taught there, please come.
Please feel free to share items of interest with this column by Monday morning for inclusion in that week's paper.  This column appears on the internet (whenever I get around to posting it) at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com. Go Eagles.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Last of May Edition

Colossians 1:16-18 “16For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. “

Happy birthday to: Janelle Briant (May 31), Bobby Thompson (May 27), Bonnie jackson May 26.

Birthdays this week include: Bonnie Jackson and Betty Lisemby Taylor (May 26), Bobby Thompson (May 27), Elton Lisemby (May 29) and Janelle Briant (May 31).

Happy anniversary to Jason and Carrie Hall (May 21).

Mrs. Lois Avery was visited last week by her sister Margaret Smith of Kenosha, WI.

I was saddened to learn this morning that Joe Phillips had passed away a couple of weeks ago. He was an all-around good guy. We also lost James Grice on May 20. Keep both families in your thoughts and prayers.

The county commodities truck will be at the community center on May 30 from 9am-noon.

 Pastor Billy Wilson of Macedonia FWB Church is recovering nicely from the knee reconstruction surgery he underwent May 20.

There will be another Hunter Education Class given in June on the 9th, 10th, and 12th from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Class will be held at The West Saline Community Center (the old school building). For more information, contact James Gill at (870)-352-8527. You must reserve a seat before May 27.

An extract from Goodspeed's History of Arkansas, Chapter 25, page 619: James Edgar Martin is a stock-dealer and merchant of New Edinburg, Ark., and was born in Bradley County, Ark., on May 27, 1852, being a son of Dr. John W. and Mary E. (Franklin) Martin, who were born in Virginia and Arkansas respectively. Both are residents of Warren, Bradley County, Ark., and Dr. Martin is now seventy-one years of age... a family of twelve children was born to himself and wife, eight of whom are now living, James Edgar Martin being the second child. In his youth he attended the Warren High School, and in 1873 left his home to embark in the mercantile business, first as salesman at Collins Station, in his uncle's employ, then for the firm of Martin and Goodwin of Warren. In 1876 he came to New Edinburg and became an associate of Martin and Goodwin in the firm of T. M. Goodwin & Co., but in 1883 he became sole proprietor and has since been successfully engaged in business alone. In connection with managing his store he also deals extensively in stock, and is the owner of some very fine registered Holstein and Jersey cattle. He has been grading his stock for four years past, and now has one of the finest herds in the county. He is also the owner of 1,500 acres of land in Bradley and Cleveland Counties, a goodly portion of which is under cultivation, and is accounted not only a successful farmer and stockman also. Like his father, he is a Mason and a Democrat, and his wife, whose maiden name was Mary Word, and whom he married on March 5, 1884, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a daughter of James Word of New Edinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have two children, Anna May and John Ernest.

Please feel free to share items of interest with this column by Monday morning for inclusion in that week's paper. This column appears on the internet (whenever I get around to posting it) at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com. Go Eagles.

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19 Edition

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (KJV)

Birthdays this week include: Marnell Parker (May 19), James Norris (May 21), Connie Shaw (May 23) Princess Warner (May 26).  Happy belated birthday to Betty King (May 16).

The commodities truck will be her for us poor folk at the New Edinburg Community Center from 9 am to noon on May 30.

Oh look, they did a bangup job resurfacing the highway from the park to the Bradley County line and in record time. We Eagles are impressed and flabbergasted at the speed modern technology can make things happen.

There will be another Hunter Education Class given in June on the 9th, 10th, and 12th from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Class will be held at The West Saline Community Center (the old school building). For more information, contact James Gill at (870) 352-8527. You must reserve a seat before May 27.
In addition, if you're feeling daring, and want to join New Edinburg's elite sans peer, the Fire Department will be holding Firefighter Intro classes June 16-17 and the 19th from 6-10pm at the fire station. All firefighters are reminded the June meeting will be on the 12th at 6:30pm.

Please feel free to share items of interest with this column by Monday morning for inclusion in that week's paper.  This column appears on the internet (whenever I get around to posting it) at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com. Go Eagles.

May 12 Edition

"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." 1 Peter 5:6-7 KJV

Birthdays this week include: Michael Rawls (May 11), Devlyn Moring (May 11), Patsy Spears (May 12) Termedia Jackson and Glenda Wilson (May 15).

Bobby Hickerson, father of Doris Kee, passed away last Wednesday. Please keep his family in your prayers.

There will be another Hunter Education Class given in June on the 9th, 10th, and 12th from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Class will be held at The West Saline Community Center (the old school building). For more information, contact James Gill at (870)-352-8527. You must reserve a seat before May 27.

There will be a benefit at the New Edinburg Community Center for Paul and Doris Jankowski of Hermitage May 16 from 7-10pm with music by The White Mustang Band.  This is a family event and children are welcome.
No booze allowed. Admission is $6.

The online Encyclopedia of Arkansas tells us In 1904, the Bank of New Edinburg was organized, with E. M. Attwood as the founder and president. During the Great Depression, it was the only bank in the county that remained open. By 1936, there were several merchants in New Edinburg, as well as cafes and a beauty shop. One building housed both the Central Telephone Office and the Knight Theater, which showed matinees at noon for children on their lunch break from school and also had shows after school and on Saturday nights.

Please feel free to share items of interest with this column by Monday morning for inclusion in that week's paper.  This column appears on the internet (whenever I get around to posting it) at
http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com. Go Eagles.

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5 Edition

" Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  --- James 5:16 KJV

Prayer list this week includes the family of Gary Morgan.

Birthdays this week: Tina Sanders (May 7), ME! (May 7), Daniel Bryant (May 9), Kim Emerson (May 10), Kayla Herring (May 10).
Blackberry winter has come and gone. Hello, warmer temps.
Looks like the repaving of Hwy. 8 has been delayed.

Gary Morgan passed away last Saturday.

There will be another Hunter Education Class given in June on the 9th, 10th, and 12th from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Class will be held at The West Saline Community Center (The old school building). For more information, contact James Gill at (870)-352-8527. You must reserve a seat before May 27.

There will be a benefit at the New Edinburg Community Center for Paul
and Doris Jankowski of Hermitage May 16 from 7-10pm with music by The
White Mustang Band.  This is a family event and children are welcome.
No booze allowed. Admission is $6.

Please feel free to share items of interest with this column by Monday
morning for inclusion in that week's paper.  This column appears on the internet (whenever I get around to posting it) at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com. Go

April 28 Edition

"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue
that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is
the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is
of me, saith the LORD." - Isaiah 54:17

Happy birthday this week to: Megan and Morgan Searcy and Norma
Thompson - April 28.

We dodged the bullet on some very nasty weather this weekend, with
others in the Vilonia area not so lucky.

The Hunter Education Course given at the New Edinburg Fire Department
is reported to have gone well, with expectations of another class
being given soon. Those interesed should call James Gill at 1
(870)-352-8527 between 4:00 pm and 8pm.

There will be a benefit at the New Edinburg Community Center for Paul
and Doris Jankowski of Hermitage May 16 from 7-10pm with music by The
White Mustang Band.  This is a family event and children are welcome.
No booze allowed. Don't even think about it.

Note to those who frequently travel Hwy. 8: resurfacing of the highway
from the Marks' Mills Park to the Bradley County Line commences this
week... rain or shine. The Highway department will be putting down a
new surface composed of the asphalt/rubber mix that covers the stretch
to Fordyce. Travelers take note that there will probably be hold-ups
in traffic until the project is completed.

Please feel free to share items of interest with this column by Monday
morning for inclusion in that week's paper.  My email is
JamesCBoney@gmail.com. This column appears on the internet (whenever I
get around to posting it) at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com. Go

April 21 Edition

"For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:" --- Job 19:25

Birthdays this week include: Kim Allen - April 22, Daisy Blackmon - April 23 and Erwin Dyer - April 24, Geraldine Sanders - April 27, Robert Dyer - April 27, Jeanette Thompson - April 27.
Here's hoping everyone had a great Easter.
Brother Tony Atkins reports a packed house for Easter sunrise services at New Edinburg 1st Baptist Church.

Easter lunch guests at the home of Bruce and Wendy Grice and Kennedy Pruitt were Joan McCallister of Kingsland, Mitchell Grice of Fordyce, Keith and Melody Grice, Austin, Braydon, Grant & Gracyn of New Edinburg, Bill and Ouita Jarrett of New Edinburg, Randy, Suzanne and Jared Wagnon of New Edinburg, Amy Offutt, Cameron, Megan and Jonathan of White Hall, Coy and Jane Coats of Fordyce, Brandy and Jacob Wolfe and John Coats of Warren. 
I heard a rumor today that there was a man here in New Edinburg who raised 40 acres of turnips and greens for the needy during the Great Despression. Can anyone tell me who this gentleman was, because I'd like to know.
If you have items of interest for this column, please share them before Monday in order to get in that week's edition. This column will appear on the internet (sometime) at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com. Go Eagles.

April 14 Edition

"11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light." -- Romans 8:11-12

Birthdays this week include: Sheila Currier - April 13, Blake Spears and Bobbie Moseley - April 14, Johnnie Green & Ella Green April 15.

A hunter education course will be given at the New Edinburg Volunteer Fire Department on April 19 from 8am to 7pm. For more information, call James Gill at 352-8527.
Friends and family involved with Bethel Cemetery are holding a clean up day this Friday, April 18, from 8:30am until ?. Those interested in helping keep the cemetery looking nice are invited to come and help.
New Edinburg First Baptist Church will have its Easter Sunrise Services at 6:30am followed by a fellowship breakfast.

If you have items of interest for this column, please get them to me before Monday of each week.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

April 7 Edition

"For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life." --- Roman 5:10

Birthdays this week: Tommy Green - April 10, Melinda Huddleston & Dustin Briant - April 12, Sheila Currier - April 13, Blake Spears and Bobbie Moseley - April 14.

Spring has sprung, and the pollen is fallin'. Weekly rains are keeping the ground soft and the loggers idle.  More heavy rains are expected here later this week.

Chapel Hill Missionary Baptist Church will hold its revival April 11 and 12 at 7pm and Sunday April 13 at 11am. The evangelist will be Bro. Todd West and the pastor is Bro. Dwane Ashcraft. Everyone is invited.

A hunter education course will be given at the New Edinburg Volunteer Fire Department on April 19 from 8am to 7pm. For more information, call James Gill at 352-8527.
I spent most of Saturday afternoon riding around with my old NEHS classmate and friend David "Andy" Farmer.  We had a great time looking around and remembering friends past and present. Andy and I started together in Miss Joann's 1st Grade class in 1974 and finished up together at KHS in 1986... I can't say that about too many of my classmates... but I can testify that, other than being taller, he has not changed one single bit... same ol' Andy.
Some local history about the First Baptist Church courtesy of The Eagle Democrat,  Wednesday, October 25, 1967:  "The First Baptist Church of New Edinburg has a distinction of having been built and located in three counties without moving more than 100 yards and without ever crossing a county line.
At the time of the erection of the church, the town of New Edinburg was in Bradley County. Some years later, a new county was formed from parts of adjoining counties and New Edinburg and the Baptist Church found themselves in Dorsey County. Still later, the name of the county was changed, honoring President Grover Cleveland.
The church was organized almost 100 years ago in 1868 with Elders Solomon Gardner and John T. Craig consitituting the Presbytery. The church was in the Judson Baptist Association. After 1901, the church agreed that it could no longer see eye to eye on ecclesiastical matters with its present larger connection and joined the General Association, the American Baptist Association, and later the North American Baptist Association.
The first building was completed in September of 1869, after which the church adopted a resolution to the Methodist of the community expressing appreciation for being allowed to use the Methodist house of worship for its services for a season.
In early years, at almost every monthly conference, some-Brother or Sister was excluded from worship for some kind of unbecoming conduct: the men usually for imbibing too freely of alcoholic beverages and the women for "tipping light fantastic toe..." [Note: that's archaic language for dancing...]
In those days, revivals were popular, and one mighty one was conducted under the persuasive preaching of Rev. W. E. Penn in 1890. Results, fifty church additions and 122 professions of faith.
A new church was erected in 1936 and it was dedicated in 1937. The building, at the time of completion, consisted of an auditorium and six Sabbath School rooms. The Sunday School is first mentioned in church records of 1883. The church has had three buildings, the current one replacing one that was put up in 1890. This one replaced the orginal church structure. The middle building had an 84-foot steeple."
If you have items of interest for this column, please get them to me before Monday of each week.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.

Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31st Edition

"Psalm 95:1 O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.  3 For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods." (Psa 95:1-3 KJV)

Birthdays this week include: Sawyer Hemphill (March 28), Jerry Warner (March 29), Robert Boney (April 1), Mark Weeks (April 2), Ben Splawn (March 3), Brian Chancellor (April 6), Mildred Brown (April 7).

Happy anniversary to: Tammy & Don Pennington (April 4) and Judy & Delbert Moring (April 6).

Mrs. Lou Ella Thompson passed away last Thursday at Chapel Woods Nursing Home in Warren.  Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Chapel Hill Missionary Baptist Church will hold its revival April 11 and 12 at 7pm and Sunday April 13 at 11am. The evangelist will be Bro. Todd West and the pastor is Bro. Dwane Ashcraft. Everyone is invited.

A hunter education course will be given at the New Edinburg Volunteer Fire Department on April 19 from 8am to 7pm. For more information, call James Gill at 352-8527.

If you have items you'd like to see here, feel free to share. Go Eagles.

Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24 Edition

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." --- Lamentations 3:22-23

Birthdays this week: D. L. Broughton - March 22, Lila Benson - March 25, and Major McClellan - March 28.

Welcome back, true believers.

D. L. Broughton celebrated his birthday Saturday surrounded by family and friends.

We're still hitting the back and forth weather so typical of this time of the year. Hopefully things will settle down by next month.

I was told this weekend that an old rumor has resurfaced... that being the Highway Department plans to widen the road running through town. This story popped up about three years ago with some residents upset that their property will be eaten up by an expanded right of way. Back then, I took the initiative to call the Highway Department and ask the man who is directly over planning for such improvements. His direct words were "New Edinburg has a large historical district, and it would literally take an act of Congress to widen that section, so... no, it will never happen." So fear not. This round was probably prompted by the marker stakes stretching from the park down to the county line. I don't directly know what those stakes are for, but I suspect the Highway department is planning to resurface the road with the new ashpalt/rubber mix they laid a few years ago from the park to Fordyce. Again, I don't know that, and your friendly County Judge could probably tell you whether or not that's the case.

Speaking of the road through town, this is from the Eagle Democrat in 1939: "Since State Highway No. 8 between Warren and Fordyce has been constructed those who motor that way are usually impressed with two things at New Edinburg - the old tree which stands in the middle of the road in front of Attwood’s Store, and the number of comfortable homes which are covered with corrugated tin roofing. We have a tendency to “cuss” the presence of the tree when the traffic is heavy, but when we think of those ten roofs topping those comfortable homes, there arises that boyish feeling, “Gee, wouldn’t it be great to go to sleep on an old fashioned feather bed while hearing the musical rain drops on that roof.”

For our purpose here, the tree and the tin-tops explain the character and sturdiness of the present New Edinburg.  While modern highways have led other rural villages to fold up and pass away, this unusually progressive community has kept pace with the present, and continually moves forward.  The tree represents a sentimental connection with a great ancestry, the tin-roofs, the permanency with which the place was built."

Remember: there are 7 billion people on the planet... don't allow any single one to ruin your day.

Please feel free to share with this column what you would like to see. Go Eagles.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." --- Lamentations 3:22-23

Birthdays this week: Sue Sanders (March 15), Jason Hall (March 20), Christine Thompson and David Harper (March 21)

Our hearts and thoughts go out to the family of David McManus. David passed away Saturday at the age of 81.

Spring has sprung, but the weather is still back and forth. We start this work week with a light snow Sunday night.

The last part of James L. Boney's "Battle of Marks' Mills": "In the meantime, Colonel Gunter’s battalion had closed in on a log cabin that stood on the left of the road. Here they captured 17 more Federal soldiers. Gunter reformed his men and moved in the direction of the log house. Upon his arrival, he found that the fighting had ceased in that area. The Confederates had taken the second Union position. A profound silence now fell upon the battlefield. Then from the west came the sounds of marching feet and the rattle of battle gear. The 77th Ohio was marching to the scene of the action.  When they reached the battle area, they found the road blocked by Dockery’s small brigade. Not to be taken prisoner without a fight, they move forward and the battle began again.
General Cabell, hearing the sounds of battle to his west, began to reform his brigade. Placing two mounted regiments of Shelby’s that had just arrived on his right and the footsoldiers on his left, he moved to the assistance of General Dockery who was slowly being forced back toward the crest of the hill by the fierce attack of the 77th Ohio. The firing once again became heavy and continuous along the entire length of Cabell’s line. Earlier, General Fagan had pulled Colonel John Harrell’s battalion out of the line and placed them in the woods north of the road. From their vantage point they could see the 77th Ohio as they moved along the road. Harrell’s battalion moved forward and attacked the Federals on their left flank. At the same time Cabell and Dockery’s commands struck them from the front. After an hour of hard fighting, seeing that their position was hopeless, most of the 77th surrendered. 
The third and final position had been taken by the victorious Confederates. The time: 1 p.m., April 25th 1864.
The Battle of Marks’ Mill was over. Bugles were heard singing over the nearly two mile-wide battlefront calling the Confederate commands together. But some of the men would not rejoin their command until dark. They had gone into the woods after the few Federals who had managed to escape. 
For the Confederates, the battle was a complete victory. For the Federals, a complete disaster. The battle, which lasted for five hours, was both bloody and costly. In comparison to the numbers engaged, the casualties were high on both sides. The Union forces had engaged 1600 men. Of these 100 were killed, 250 wounded, and 1000 captured. Only 250 managed to make good their escape. The Confederates had engaged 2500 men. They suffered 110 killed, 228 wounded, and 40 missing.
The Union dead were buried on the Marks’ plantation and the wounded were carried to the home of John Harvie Marks. The Confederate dead were buried at the Warren Crane place. The wounded were carried into the homes of Watt Smith, Bill Davis, and Warren Crane.
In addition to capturing most of Drake’s command, the Confederates captured six cannon, hundreds of small-arms, four flags and a mail wagon containing $175,000 in greenbacks. That night the Confederates were treated to a sumptuous meal prepared of food taken from the captured wagons."
Please feel free to share items of interest for this column before Monday.  This will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.
“Know therefore that the Lord they God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;” --- Deuteronomy 7:9
Birthdays this week: Mike Mosley - March 8, Walter DalSanto, Dorothy Shepherd and Memory Sanders – March 11, James McIntyre Jr. - March 12, Joye Splawn – March 13, Sue Sanders – March 14, Jarrod Langford, James Herring and Jackie  Harton – March 15.
Welcome back Jarrod Langford.
We Eagles are saddened at the passing of Mrs. Alene Thompson Erwin last week. She was 93.
Melody Spears reports the BBQ and auction of two weekends ago netter $5,100 that will go toward paying the NECC's building debt of $23,000.
Congratulations to Justin Wagnon who has accepted the pastorship of New Friendship Baptist Church in Kingsland.

The Battle of Marks' Mills by James L. Boney, part 3: "To silence the two Federal guns on the hill, General Cabell sent for his artillery. The cannoneers of Hughey’s battery were standing by their guns, listening to the sounds of the battle when an officer came along the line and ordered them to the front. They went down a long hill, across a creek and out into an opening. Here they were in full view of the Union battery on the hill some four hundred yards in their front. The guns quickly went into battery, powder charges were rammed home, and fuses were cut. At the word from Hughey, the four guns roared into action sending round after round of case-shot into the Federal line. Through the smoke and dust of this man-made hell, the cannoneers could see that their artillery was doing terrible and deadly work. The Federal battle line was weaving to and fro and showing signs of giving way. The soldiers were falling fast. Most of the battery’s horses along with a number of the men were killed. 
The Confederates also suffered heavy casualties from the grapeshot and shell of the enemy cannon. It was here that the South lost many of its best officers and men. The area around the road junction was covered with dead and wounded men. The noise of the battle was terrible. The roar of the cannon could be heard for fifteen miles. The people in the next township could hear the roar and knew a terrible battle was in progress.
At this time, General Thomas Dockery’s small brigade arrived on the field and joined the action on Cabell’s left. Supported by the 7th Arkansas cavalry, Dockery’s command swept around Cabell’s command and reached the Camden road west of the Union position. About the same time, a scout informed Colonel Drake that a large force of Confederate cavalry was approaching from the east. This would be Shelby’s command that consisted of his own Missouri brigade and Colonel John Wright’s 2nd Arkansas brigade. The Federals were now surrounded on three sides. Colonel Drake now called upon the five remaining companies of the 36th Iowa to meet the attack from the east.
At this time, Colonel Drake decided to try to make contact with Major Mark McCauley who was to bring the 77th Ohio to the front. This regiment was at the rear of the train. While enroute to McCauley’s command post, Drake was severely wounded in the left hip by a minie ball fired from the Confederate line. Before passing out, Drake told Captain McGill to turn command over to Major Spellman.  The time: 10:30 a.m., April 25th 1864.
When they reached the battle area, General Shelby told Captain Richard Collins to fire his two cannon. This would let General Fagan know that they were on the Federal left flank. He then gave the order to charge. The troopers charged into the right battalion of the 36th Iowa forcing them back into the already tangled mass of fighting around the guns and buildings. At the same time, Cabell’s command rose to their feet and converged on Lieutenant Peetz’ two guns.
After an hour of this almost hand-to-hand combat, the Federals with their ammunition almost gone began to fall back. Leaving the two guns, a large number of Federal soldiers move to their left and took refuse in and around a large log house which stood about 150 yards north by east of their original position. General Cabell’s command now found themselves in possession of over 200 prisoners, two cannon and a large number of wagons. The first Union position had been taken. The 1st and 2nd Arkansas now moved forward toward the house. After several volleys had been exchanged, they captured about 100 Federals. These soldiers were placed under guard and sent to the rear as prisoners of war. "
Please feel free to share items of interest for this column before Monday.  This will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.
"6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." -- Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Birthdays this week include: Angela Wagnon (March 4), Sylvester Wright (March 7), Meta Wright (March 9) and Casey Cargile (March 11).

Happy anniversary to Odus and Mabel Clary (March 3).

March is here, with Spring right around the corner. It's really cold and windy out there and, for you out-of-towner Eagles, we got some snow this Monday morning..

The change to daylight savings time is this weekend, so be sure to set your clocks forward.
I haven't yet heard the total raised in this weekend's BBQ and Auction fundraiser at the community center, but there were a lot of people present, so it was probably pretty good.
Part 2 of the Battle of Marks' Mills by James L. Boney: "Before daylight, Fagan learned from his scouts that the supply train was camped on Moro Creek. He was delighted by this information. They had overtaken the train and he now made plans to attack it at Marks’ Mills.  At this place the roads went out in every direction: to Camden, to Mount Elba and Pine Bluff, to Princeton, to More Landing, and to Warren and Long View.
General Fagan’s soldiers were also determined to capture this supply train since many of them lived on or near the road the enemy was traveling. It was known by all that the Federal soldiers were robbing every house and barn they passed. They were desperate for food. Not only did they take food, but robbed every house of its silverware, jewelry, bedding and fine clothes, in fact every article of family stores of any value including every horse and mule in sight. 
At dawn on the morning of the 25th, Drake started the train on the road to Marks’ Mills. Earlier he had ordered the 43rd Indiana forward to the junction of the Warren and Pine Bluff roads. Colonel Drake was two miles west of the junction when a courier brought him word that Shelby’s entire force had been sighted about three miles down the Warren road. He immediately sent orderlies to the road to bring up his other two regiments. In the meantime the 43rd Indiana, 300 men strong, was forming a battle line covering the road junction with a line of skirmishers well out in front.  The time: 8 a.m., April 25 1864.
By daylight that morning, Fagan’s horsemen were in motion along the road that would taken them to Marks’ Mills. When they were about one and a half miles form the battlefield, Fagan’s escort was fired into by the 75-man Union cavalry patrol sent down the Warren road. General Fagan halted is column and ordered General Shelby to turn right toward the east. This command, guided by William Marks, would wind their way over the neighborhood roads and come upon the Pine Bluff road five miles east of Marks’ Mills. He then ordered General William Cabell to form a line of battle with his brigade parallel to the Pine Bluff road. Colonel Monroe’s 1st Arkansas cavalry, which was marching directly behind the escort, was dismounted and formed on the right of the Warren road with two companies sent forward as skirmishers. When about 80 yards from their horses, they became engaged with the Union skirmishers and drove them back to the main force. 
In the meantime, General Cabell had formed the rest of his brigade. Colonel Thomas Gunter’s command, composed of his battalion and Colonel Allen Pettus’ battalion of State troops, were placed on Colonel Monroe’s right. Colonel Morgan’s 2nd Arkansas Cavalry was placed on the left of the road. Captain William Hughey’s four-gun battery of artillery was posted in the Warren road with Colonel Gordon’s 4th Arkansas as support.
General Cabell then sent an aide to General Fagan informing him of his position that was then across two roads leading into the road on which the train was moving. General Cabell received orders to move forward and attack the train. At the command from Cabell, the whole line of skirmishers and all except two companies of skirmishers under Colonel Monroe moved forward under a tremendous fire from the enemy and attacked the train. 
On the right or east flank, Colonel Gunter’s command engaged a part of the enemy that was trying to escape in the direction of the Mill or Pine Bluff. Here they were successful in capturing the train and in killing four men.
On the left or west flank, Colonel Morgan’s 2nd Arkansas also met with little resistance as they advanced. After traveling about a mile, they came upon the train and, under heavy fire, they assisted in killing a number of horses and mules. The center regiment, Monroe’s 1st, had advanced down the Warren road. After covering about 80 yards, they came into contact with the 43rd Indiana Infantry who were covering the road junction. Suddenly the 43rd launched a counter-attack that caused the 1st Arkansas to fall back. 
When Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Drake arrived at the scene of action, he found the 43rd Indiana engaged with Monroe’s 1st Cavalry on the ridge known as the Red Lands. What he saw made his blood run cold. All of the 43rd Indiana was slowly falling back with the exception of three companies that Major Norris had been holding back as reserves. With these three companies, Drake decided to make a counterattack. While he was forming his line, the 36th Iowa arrived and was placed in line with the 43rd. Behind this line he placed Lieutenant Peetz’ two 12-pounder James rifles. While Major Hamilton was forming the 36th Iowa, the Confederates on the left and right had changed fronts and were now converging on the 43rd
The left and right regiments, after breaking through the train, realized that the center had not advanced. They could hear heavy firing in their rear. They immediately retraced their line of advance and came upon a line with the 1st Arkansas. As fast as each regiment came into position, it became engaged with the enemy.
After Morgan’s and Gunter’s regiments had been re-aligned with Monroe’s 1st, they moved forward. The Confederates, after advancing some three hundred yards, spotted the Union battle line. The Federal soldiers were posted in the open woods along the ridge with a section of artillery in position. The time: 9 a.m., April 25th 1864. 
As the Confederates slowly made their way toward the hill, Colonel Drake calmly waited until they had closed to within 75 yards. He then ordered Peetz to fire his artillery. The two James rifles shot forth their smoke and flame sending a storm of grapeshot into the advancing Confederates. At the same time, the 36th Iowa and 43rd Indiana began to fire volley after volley of minie balls into the Confederate ranks. The flag went down only to be raised again. The battle line staggered and fell back only to surge forward again. For the next one and one-half hours the battle raged with a savage fury. Cabell’s Arkansas cavalry, the 43rd Indiana, and the 36th Iowa fired thousands of rounds of ammunition. "

Please feel free to share items of interest for this column before Monday.  This will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com.  Go Eagles.
"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." -- 1st Peter 3:15
Happy Birthday to: Hayden Cathey - Feb. 22,  Matt Cathey and Barbara Reaves - Feb. 25
Happy anniversary to Michael and Christi Russell (March 1).
With a lack of news in this area for the moment, I'll populate this column by printing my father's old article about the Battle of Marks' Mills.  This article appeared in the Herald and other local papers sometime back in the 1980s. I thought it appropriate since 2014 is the 150th anniversary of that battle.  Here is part 1:
"The Battle of Marks’ Mills was fought on April 25th 1864 around the junction of the Camden-to-Pine Bluff and Warren-to-Princeton roads. The mills from which the battle takes its name were located in the vicinity of the road junction. These mills were owned and operated by John Harvie Marks who had moved from Alabama to this area in 1834 and settled on what is now known as the Red land Ridge.
This battle was the fourth in a series of engagements fought in South Arkansas in the spring of 1864. These battles are known in the Official Records as the Camden Expedition. The expedition started in late March when the Union Army in Little Rock moved south on its ill-fated journey towards Camden and ended the following May with the retreat of the Union Army across the Saline River at Jenkins’ Ferry and back to Little Rock. 
By the 15th of April, the Union Army, commanded by Major-General Frederick Steele, had reached and occupied Camden. Although his army was inside the well-fortified city of Camden, he was still in a critical situation. His main concern was where to find supplies for his army of 12,000 men and 12,000 horses and mules. Earlier, Steele had sent several dispatches to his superiors suggesting that his army by supplied by boat on the Ouachita River. For some reason this suggestion was not carried out. Steele was now left with the choice of either securing his supplies from the countryside or by wagon train from Pine Bluff. 
The capture of one of his supply trains on the 18th of April at the Battle of Poison Springs left Steele in a more critical situation than before. But just when it seemed his state of affairs was at its worst, he received an answer from his earlier dispatches sent to Pine Bluff. This came in the form of a large wagon train loaded with five days rations for his army. Somehow this train of 150 wagons had managed to slip past the Confederate scouts and travel 80 miles through enemy-held territory. As soon as it reached Camden on the 20th, it was unloaded and made ready to return to Pine Bluff for additional supplies. 
On the 17th of April, Lieutenant-General E. Kirby Smith, the Commanding General for the Trans-Mississippi Department, reached Woodlawn, which was west of Camden. Upon his arrival, he ordered General Sterling Price, the Commanding General for the Arkansas forces, to follow through with a plan he had suggested earlier. This called for a cavalry force to be placed east of the Ouachita River. Their mission would be to interrupt the Union supply line that covered the 80 miles from Camden to Pine Bluff. 4
General Price immediately organized a large cavalry force that was to be commanded by Brigadier-General James Fagan. On the 22nd, Fagan’s Arkansas cavalry moved out from their headquarters at Woodlawn and marched to El Dorado Landing on the Ouachita River. Here they would be joined by Brigadier-General Joe Shelby’s command of Missouri cavalry. This would be the cavalry force to operate east of the Ouachita.
During the afternoon of the 22nd, Shelby’s scouts had learned that a large wagon train was making ready to leave Camden. This information was reported to their commander. When Fagan learned of this train, he began making preparations to capture or destroy it.
The Union supply train that left Camden on the morning of the 23rd was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Drake of the 36th Iowa Infantry. The train consisted of 240 government wagons, a number of sutler’s wagons and other private wagons along with cotton buyers and Arkansas refugees. Drake’s escort consisted of: 300 men from the 43rd Indiana Infantry, 500 men from the 36th Iowa Infantry, 400 men from the 77th Ohio Infantry, 240 cavalry and four pieces of artillery from the famous Second Missouri Light Artillery, commanded by Lieutenant Charles Peetz, a total of 1440 men. 5 The train reached the western edge of the Moro Bottom without much difficulty where they camped on the night of the 24th
After crossing the Ouachita River, Fagan with his force of 4,000 cavalry and eight pieces of artillery traveled rapidly to intercept the train that they knew was one day ahead of them. After they had traveled 45 long and hard miles, Fagan halted his column for a much-needed rest. It was only 8 miles to Marks’ Mills. The time was midnight April 24th."
Please feel free to share items of interest for this column: birthdays, anniversaries, events, historical items of note, pictures, or whatever you feel moved to send.  This column will appear on the internet at http://WeAreTheEagles.blogspot.com. Go Eagles.